An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2006 Vol. 37 No. 2) says, "...'Christmas
Candy'...a new hosta discovered by
Gert van Eijk-Bos in tissue-culturing 'Night before Christmas'...at the Vitro Westland propagation laboratory in Rijswijk,
Holland...How do 'Christmas Candy', 'Night before Christmas' and the old timer
'White Christmas' compare?...all three have pure white leaf centers and dark
green leaf borders."
A summary of Pollock's comparisons of 'Christmas Candy'
(CC), 'Night before Christmas' (NbC) and 'White Christmas' (WC) included:
- Width of green margin: NbC - widest CC - mid WC -
- Clump height: NbC - tallest CC - mid WC - shortest
- Upright growth habit: NbC and CC more upright than WC
- Resistance to melting out (leaf substance): CC - thick substance may be
a tetraploid - NbC somewhat resistant - WC often damaged