This sport of H. 'Geisha' was
registered in 1998 by
Patricia Scolnik
of Breeze Hill Plant Lab in North Carolina. It forms a small size mound
with very wavy, curled and twisted foliage.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "This plant is actually a sport of
'Ani Machi' which has been marketed as 'Geisha' in the U.S. Its
best usage may be as a container plant because of its relatively
slow growth rate."

The Book of Little Hostas by
Kathy and Michael Shadrack
(2010) says: "Very twisted and curled...slow-growing...Difficult
but worth the effort. It needs to be planted in
dappled shade in a pot where it will get special
care and the unusual foliage can be appreciated."

An article in
Hosta Journal, Vol. 40 No. 1 - 2009,
stated that this cultivar was "...named for the former home and
nursery of British hosta authority
