Registered in 2006 by
Hans Hansen
Shady Oaks Nursery of Minnesota,
it was granted a U.S. patent in 2009. This hybrid of (H. 'Maekawa' × H. 'Halcyon') x H. 'Salute' forms a mound about 24
inches tall and 50 inches wide. The shiny deep blue-green foliage becomes dark
green as the season progresses. Its leaves are narrowly ovate and
rippled with thick substance. Pale lavender flowers bloom from early August into
The American Hosta Growers Association 2023 Hosta of the Year

An article by Rick Goodenough in
Hosta Journal (2012 Vol. 43 No. 1) states that,
‘Neptune’ x ‘Fleet Week’ “One of the best so far from that cross is one I call
‘Neptune’s Chariot’. It has a dusky, true blue base color and lovely white
backs, with leaf edges that are wavy and appear serrated…holds its blue until
quite late in the season…”

United States Patent: PP19674 (2009)
Abstract: A new cultivar of hybrid Hosta named
‘Neptune’, characterized by its ovate-shaped, blue-green
leaves with undulating margins and an intense glaucous
bloom on the lower surface. Its leaves cascade downward
to form an upright, mounded habit with pale lavender
flowers emerging on arching scapes in late summer.
