Registered by
Don Dean
of Minnesota
this cultivar is a seedling of {H. laevigata ×
[H. 'Liberty
Bell' × (H. 'Urajiro Hachijo' ×
H. pycnophylla)) × H. 'Liberty
Bell'] × H. yingeri} × H. 'Designer Genes'. It is a medium size plant about 16 inches high
by 33 inches wide with yellow foliage. The nearly round
leaves are moderately rippled at the margins, slightly
shiny on top, slightly twisted, moderately wavy and
moderately corrugated.
Leaf tips curve downward and the
foliage has a slight convex (downward) cupping effect.
The petioles have red color on both sides. Medium purple
flowers with darker purple stripes bloom from late July
into August on scapes 24 to 28 inches tall. It sets
viable seeds in red pods. The
registration materials state: "...Saturated red
petioles with red running into both the front and back
of the leaves, terraced foliage, saturated red scapes
with deep lavender blooms...becomes slightly
greenish-yellow later in the season."
