Registered by
Hans Hansen of
Walters Gardens,
Inc. of Michigan in
this cultivar is a seedling of an unnamed hybrid of H. 'Niagara
Falls' × (H. 'Neptune' x H. 'Fulda'). It
is part of Walters' SHADOWLAND® Collection of
hostas. A large size hosta, it grows to about 22 inches high by
69 inches wide with medium blue-green foliage.
leaves are broadly ovate, slightly wavy, heavily rippled
and have a glaucous bloom on the top and bottom. Pale
lavender flowers with a very faint lavender stripe bloom
from late June into July on scapes 25 to 28 inches tall
followed by viable seeds.
The registration materials state: "...Heart-shaped,
thick blue leaves have wavy margins. The large size of
this plant also translates to large leaves".
