This cultivar which is a cross between
H. 'Swoosh' × H. 'Hadspen
Heron' was registered by
Roy Herold of Massachusetts in 1999. It forms a medium size (12 inches high by 24 inches wide) mound of foliage with prominent waves
and margins that may streak. Medium purple flowers bloom from July into August
followed by viable seeds. The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009) states "The rapidly rising popularity of 'Dark Star'
is not surprising considering its striking combination of wavy,
white-margined foliage, dense mound habit and good growth rate."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Increases rapidly, providing excellent ground
cover. Also good in containers...Leaves widen with
maturity so that young plants and mature plants are
hardly recognizable as the same hosta."
