Hostas are the Number 1 selling genus of perennials in the
United States. Their popularity has grown steadily over the past
three decades or so. There are now over 8,000 named cultivars of
hostas and that number is climbing every year. For hosta
collectors, this is an exciting fact. For the average backyard
gardener, it can lead to a lot of confusion and frustration. The
science surrounding hostas is being explored by scientists and
pseudo-scientists which may lead to a better understanding...or
just more confusion.
hostas should be fun! After all, for most of us, our home
landscape is to be a place that we can enjoy and take pride in.
For the vast majority of gardeners, raising hostas is just a
hobby. We do not want to become the world's greatest authority
or to be able to name 150 different large size blue hosta
cultivars based on their vein count. We just want to enjoy our
hostas and get the most out of them in our gardens.
eBook is designed to be an introduction into the Who, What, When
and Where of the genus, Hosta. Who introduced them into Europe
and the U.S.? Who are the significant hybridizers, experts and
"movers and shakers" of hostadom? What type of plants are
hostas? What are the known species and where are new cultivars
being created? What are the techniques used for propagating and
multiplying hostas? What do I need to know to become a serious "hostaphile"?
I have been
involved with hostas as a professional horticulture educator and
home gardener for over 35 years. In that time, I have come to
know people who spend their entire professional careers or
devote their hobby time
to this one genus. I have attended and presented programs at
many hosta related functions over the years. I have read books
and The Hosta Journal until my head begins to spin over the
sometimes contradictory and occasionally misleading information
that is available to us.
goal of this eBook is to provide you with the basic knowledge to
help you navigate the hosta world. This may range from simply
being able to determine which hostas you want to grow in your
to being reasonably knowledgeable about the topic for when you
attend a hosta society activity. Either way, the more you know
about the plant up front, the greater your odds of success in
the garden.