As the title implies, this guides are meant for the novice or "rookie"
gardener who wants to take the next step in creating a
beautiful, enjoyable home landscape. This eBook is based on a 9
hour lecture/slide/hands-on series of programs offered to home
owners and Master Gardeners over the past couple of decades by
the author. It is intended to present a way of thinking about
landscape gardening that will lead you in the right direction.
This is NOT only a "How to do..."
eBook but also a "What to
know..." guide. We will concentrate on
those facts and insights that will help you make the best
decisions while designing your bed and border project. Our goal
is to help you understand the process of designing a landscape
so that you can either do it yourself or be a knowledgeable
consumer of professional services you might employ.
Anyone who visits a landscape
garden can form an opinion about what they like or dislike about
it. This eBook will teach you concepts and terminology so you
can describe WHY you find a garden or grouping in a garden
either pleasing or not so pleasing. That way, you can reproduce
the good and avoid the bad in your own beds and borders.