
Lotus - (Nelumbo sp.)
- Nelumbo nucifera varieties, most are for larger ponds. |
'Alba Grandiflora'
| White, fragrant. |
| White with blue edges, fragrant. |
'Momo Botan'
| Deep pink, double, fragrant; small; useful for striking barrel
gardens. |
'Mrs. Perry D. Slocum'
| Changeable from pink to yellow to cream, very fragrant; hybrid N.
nucifera, N. lutea; use in any sized pond, or in small
containers. |
'Rosea Plena'
| Deep rose pink, large flowers, very fragrant . |
'Angel Wings'
| White, hybrid, great for barrel gardens. |
Louisiana Iris Selections |
'Bryce Leigh'
| Pale lavender, late bloomer. |
'Her Highness'
| Hybrid, white flowers, 2' tall, excellent if "true to type." |
'Marie Caillet'
| Violet blue. |
'Roy Davidson'
| Golden yellow, striped, pond or garden. |
Perennials for the Backyard Pond: |
Acorus calamus*
| Sweet flag, linear foliage, variegated form also. |
Canna hybrids*
| Garden cannas, tropical appearance. |
Crinum hybrids
| Many pink, white, rose, and striped types. |
Cyperus alternifolius*
| Umbrella palm, sedgelike foliage. |
Cyperus papyrus*
| Egyptian papyrus, 6' 10' tall. |
Dryopteris normalis
| Wood fern, feathery foliage, deciduous. |
Dulichium arundinaceum*
| Dwarf bamboo, 1' 3' tall, not true bamboo. |
Eupatorium coelestinum
| Hardy ageratum, blue flowers in fall, native. |
Hibiscus mosheutos
| Many colors, giant flowers, heat tolerant, native to southern
U.S. |
Hemerocallis spp.
| Daylilies, there are many varieties. |
Lobelia cardinalis
| Cardinal flower, red spikes, native to shade, native to southeastern
U.S. |
Physostegia virginiana
| Obedient plant, lavender and pink spikes in summer and fall. |
Pontederia cordata*
| Pickerel rush, pretty flowers in purple, blue, or white. |
Sagittaria latifolia*
| Arrowhead, interesting leaves and dainty white flowers. |
Thalia dealbata*
| Thalia, 7' tall flowering spike. |
Typha spp.*
| Cattails. Dwarf selections available. |
Iris for the Backyard Pond:
Iris fulva
| Red iris, coppery red, 8- 24" tall, a species. |
Iris pseudacorus
| Yellow flag, yellow, 4 feet tall, a species, can be aggressive. |
Iris versicolor
| Blue Iris, various colors of blue, 3' tall, a
species. |
Submerged Plants for the Backyard Pond:
Cabomba caroliniana 'Cabomba'
| Foliage fine spreading, small white flowers. Too aggressive for
earthen ponds. |
Elodea canadensis var. gigantea 'Anacharis'
| Fernlike, small flowers. Too aggressive for earthen ponds. Egeria
densa, also called 'Anacharis', is a RESTRICTED plant in some
states. |
Myriophyllum spp. Water Milfoil'
| Foliage very fine texture, covers stems. M. spicatum
'Eurasian Water 'Milfoil' is a RESTRICTED plant in some states. |
Sagittaria subulata 'Dwarf Sagittaria'
| Small, grasslike plant for shallow areas like shelves of the pond.
Better choice than the species. |
Vallisneria americana 'Vallisneria'
| Large, grass like plant, takes shade. Better choice than the
species. |
Deep Water
Plants: |
Plants: |
Hardy Water Lilies |
Nymphaea spp. |
Azollo |
Azollo spp. |
Lotus |
Nelumbo spp. |
Duckweed |
Lemna spp. |
Spatterdock |
Nuphar luteum |
Water-meal |
Wolffia spp. |
Tropical Water Lilies |
Nymphaea spp. |
Water Ferns (Spangles) |
Salvinia minima |
Water Hyacinth |
Eichhornia crassipes |
Water Lettuce |
Pistia stratiote |
Submerged Plants or
Oxygenators |
Water Poppy |
Hydocleys nymphoides |
Anacharis |
Elodea canadensis |
Cabomba |
Cabomba caroliniana |
Sagittaria |
Sagittaria natans |
Vallisneria |
Vallisneria americana |
Water Milfoil |
Myriophyllus spp. |
Bog Plants (Marginals) |
Arrowhead |
Sagittaria sagittifolia |
Parrot Feather |
Mycriophyllum aquatica |
Bog Lily |
Crinum americanum |
Pennywort |
Hydrocotyle spp. |
Bull Rush |
Scirpus spp. |
Pickerel Rush |
Pontederia cordata |
Canna |
Canna hybrids |
Sagittaria |
Sagittaria spp. |
Cattails |
Typha spp. |
Spider Lily |
Hymenocallis spp. |
Chameleon Plant |
Houttuynia cordata |
Spike Rush |
montevidensis |
Chinese Water Chestnut |
Eleocharis tuberosa |
Snowflake |
Nymphoides spp. |
Golden Club |
Orontium aquaticum |
Taro |
Colocasia spp. |
Creeping Primrose |
Ludwigia palustris |
Thalia |
Thalia dealbata |
Dwarf Bamboo |
Dulichium arundinaceum |
Umbrella Palm |
Cyperus alternifolius |
Dwarf Sweet Flag |
Acorus gramineus |
Variegated Sweet Flag |
Acorus calamus
variegate |
Egyptian Paper Reed |
Cyperus papyrus |
Water Arum |
Peltandra virginica |
Floating Heart |
Numphoides peltata |
Water Clover |
Marsilea mutica |
Hairgrass |
Eleochairs aricularis |
Water Cress |
nasturtium-aquaticum |
Horsetail |
Equisetum hyemale |
Water Iris |
Iris spp. |
Lizards Tail |
Saururus cernus |
Water Hawthorne |
Aponogeton distachyus |
Marsh Marigold |
Caltha palustris |
Water Swan |
Alisima gramineum |
Papyrus |
Cyperus haspans |