Bog plants are the connective tissue in the pond. They are active natural filters, removing excess nitrates and buffer the pH of the water. They also provide the gradual transition from the lawn to the deep water areas of the pond. Creating a complete and beautiful composition in the landscape. There is a plant for every niche, in the beauty of the bog.

Though most are not grown for their flowers, some bog plants offer help for those unable to site their pond in sufficient sunlight for the majority of water lilies. Some plants can tolerate as little as three hours of direct sunlight. Some grow best in constantly moist to soggy soils, while others actually grow in standing water.

There are many different species of bog plants with varying heights, textures and colors to their foliage. Plants for the bog garden or for margins of the pond add height and drama to the water feature; lotus, sagittaria, and dwarf bamboo add unique foliage, where iris, cattails, and sweet flag have unmatched upright linear texture.

Perennials for the Backyard Pond:
Acorus calamus* Sweet flag, linear foliage, variegated form also.
Canna hybrids* Garden cannas, tropical appearance.
Colocasia esculenta var. fontanesii* Violet stemmed taro, heart shaped leaves, Z. 910.
Crinum hybrids Many pink, white, rose, and striped types.
Cyperus alternifolius* Umbrella palm, sedgelike foliage.
Cyperus papyrus* Egyptian papyrus, 6' 10' tall.
Dryopteris normalis Wood fern, feathery foliage, deciduous.
Dulichium arundinaceum* Dwarf bamboo, 1' 3' tall, not true bamboo.
Eupatorium coelestinum Hardy ageratum, blue flowers in fall, native.
Hibiscus mosheutos Many colors, giant flowers, heat tolerant, native to southern U.S.
Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower, red spikes, native to shade, native to southeastern U.S.
Physostegia virginiana Obedient plant, lavender and pink spikes in summer and fall.
Pontederia cordata* Pickerel rush, pretty flowers in purple, blue, or white.
Rosa palustris var. scandens Swamp rose, spring flowering rose, very thornless!
Sagittaria latifolia*
Arrowhead, interesting leaves and dainty white flowers.
Thalia dealbata* Thalia, 7' tall flowering spike.
Typha spp.* Cattails. Dwarf selections available.
Iris for the Backyard Pond:
Iris fulva Red iris, coppery red, 8- 24" tall, a species.
Iris pseudacorus Yellow flag, yellow, 4 feet tall, a species, can be aggressive.
Iris versicolor Blue Iris, various colors of blue, 3' tall, a species.

Louisiana Iris Selections:
'Bryce Leigh' Pale lavender, late bloomer.
'Her Highness' Hybrid, white flowers, 2' tall, excellent if "true to type."
'Marie Caillet' Violet blue.
'Roy Davidson' Golden yellow, striped, pond or garden.
Bog Plants (Marginals)
Arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia Parrot Feather Mycriophyllum aquatica
Bog Lily Crinum americanum Pennywort Hydrocotyle spp.
Bull Rush Scirpus spp. Pickerel Rush Pontederia cordata
Canna Canna hybrids Sagittaria Sagittaria spp.
Cattails Typha spp. Spider Lily Hymenocallis spp.
Chameleon Plant Houttuynia cordata Spike Rush Eleocharis montevidensis
Chinese Water Chestnut Eleocharis tuberosa Snowflake Nymphoides spp.
Golden Club Orontium aquaticum Taro Colocasia spp.
Creeping Primrose Ludwigia palustris Thalia Thalia dealbata
Dwarf Bamboo Dulichium arundinaceum Umbrella Palm Cyperus alternifolius
Dwarf Sweet Flag Acorus gramineus Variegated Sweet Flag Acorus calamus variegate
Egyptian Paper Reed Cyperus papyrus Water Arum Peltandra virginica
Floating Heart Numphoides peltata Water Clover Marsilea mutica
Hairgrass Eleochairs aricularis Water Cress Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
Horsetail Equisetum hyemale Water Iris Iris spp.
Lizards Tail Saururus cernus Water Hawthorne Aponogeton distachyus
Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris Water Swan Alisima gramineum
Papyrus Cyperus haspans
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