Crabapple (Malus
trees can add beauty and interest to the landscape. They can
also be messy, sickly and bothersome if care is not taken to
select proper cultivars (named cultivars) to plant.
There are literally hundreds of
cultivars of crabapples available. The following traits should
be considered when purchasing one for your yard:
Disease Resistance |
 Plant breeders work hard to select crabapple
cultivars resistant to the common diseases. Resistance does
not mean immunity. Resistant plants may still become infected
but generally not as easily as susceptible types. If they do
develop the disease, it may not be as severe.
Apple scab,
fireblight and
apple-cedar rust
are the most serious diseases of crabapples. They can
defoliate, disfigure and possibly kill trees in advanced
cases. Seek out cultivars that resist these diseases to avoid
future problems.
Flowers |
crabapples have pinkish colored buds that open into white to
pink blooms. A few red flowering cultivars are available but
many of these are susceptible to apple scab.
Foliage |
Leaf color on crabapples may
range from light to dark green to dark purple. Be sure the
contrast between flower, leaf and fruit color is such that
each trait is properly displayed.
Fruit |
Crabapples develop fruit in a
wide range of colors, quantity, sizes and persistence (how
long they hang on the tree). These factors are important to
consider especially if the tree is located over a driveway or
sidewalk where they would cause a mess.
Also, some cultivars are alternate bearing
and produce a heavy crop one year and little the next. For
consistent display, choose annual bearing types. sprays are
available which will "thin" the fruit from the tree but this
process is dependent on proper timing and the results can vary
greatly from year to year. The best control for excessive
fruiting is to plant a low producing cultivar.
Water Sprouts and Suckers |
Water sprouts are vigorous shoots
that grow straight up from branches often following heavy
pruning the previous season. Suckers are those annoying stems
that come up from the ground at the base of the tree. Both
types of growth are undesirable and certain cultivars are more
prone to produce them than others.
Check on these factors
before purchasing that crabapple to cut the level of
maintenance and increase the level of enjoyment for years to
Maple Syrup
Native Trees
Quercus - General
Quercus - Red and White
Shade Tolerant
Small Trees
State Trees
State Trees