As the name suggests, these are
among the earliest tulips to bloom in
the spring. The flowers are produced
on 10 to 18 inch long stems and come
in a variety of colors, many of
which have a sweet fragrance. Each
stem bears one flower having the
typical six petals. They usually
flower in early April.
- 'Bellona'
- 'Brilliant Star'
- 'General de Wet'
- 'Keizerskroon'
- 'Prince of
- 'Sunburst'
- 'White Hawk'
This group includes semi-double to fully double flowers which
are often called Peony Tulips. Some flowers may measure up to 4
inches in diameter on thick stems that average 8 to 12 inches in
height. They have more than the typical 6 petals normally found
on tulips. Generally, these tulips do not display the total
range of colors commonly found in tulips. Bloom time is early
- 'All Gold'
- 'Marechal Niel'
- 'Mr. van der Hoef'
- 'Orange Nassau'
- 'Peach Blossom'
- 'Schoonord'
- 'Stockholm'
- 'Triumphator'
These tulips produce cup shaped flowers that sit on strong, 10
to 16 inches in length. This is the largest Division of tulips
and consists of a wide array of flower colors. Many of them are
the result of crosses of Single Early and Late Flowering Tulips.
These plants make good cut flowers and stand up well in bad
weather. They bloom in mid-April.
Mendel tulips are included
in this Division.
- 'Crater'
- 'Edith Eddy'
- 'Her Grace'
- 'Kansas'
- 'Meissner'
- 'Porzellan'
- 'Orange Wonder'
- 'Paul Richter'
- 'Prince Charles'
- 'Tambour'
These tulips were the result
of crosses made by Mr. Krelage
in 1921. They are now included
in Division 3.
- 'Apricot Beauty'
- 'Krelage's Triumph'
- 'Remagen'
- 'White Sail'
Flowers in this Division come in various shades of red, pink,
orange and yellow. The blooms are large and are borne on top of
stems that can get up to 30 inches tall with the average being
12 to 20 inches. They tend to be more perennial that other
hybrid tulips and usually last several years in the home
landscape. Most of the cultivars are the result of crosses
T. fosteriana and Darwin tulips by D.W. Lefeber
in about 1940. These tulips flower in mid-April.
- 'Apeldoorn'
- 'Beauty of
- 'Big Chief'
- 'Dover'
- 'Elizabeth Arden'
- 'Golden Springtime'
- 'Golden Sun'
- 'Gudoshnik'
- 'Jewel of Spring'
- 'Orange Sun'
- 'Oxford'
- 'President
This Division consists of the former Darwin, cottage and breeder
tulips. The popularity of hybridizing these groups of tulips has
made them all blend together in single late flowering tulips.
They are among the tallest tulips with some up to 30 inches tall
with the range being 14 to 30 inches. These tulips flower in
late April.
- 'Asta Neilson'
- 'Belle'
- 'Jaune'
- 'Elsie Eloff'
- 'General Ridgeway'
- 'Golden
- 'Beverley'
- 'President Hoover'
- 'King's Blood'
- 'Marshall Haig'
- 'Mirella'
- 'Renown'
- 'Smiling Queen'
As the name implies, these tulips have long, pointed petals that
arch backward similar to types of the genus,
Lilium. They come
in white, pink, red, yellow and purple colors. Some of the
cultivars have petals that are edged or feathered in contrasting
colors. They are very popular for cut flowers. The average
height is 14 to 20 inches and they bloom in late April.
- 'Aladdin'
- 'China Pink'
- 'Dyanito'
- 'Golden Harvest'
- 'Mariette'
- 'Maytime'
- 'Queen of Sheba'
- 'Red Shine'
- 'White Triumphator'
As you might expect, the flowers
of these tulips have elegant fringed
petals. They are also known as "crispa
tulips" and often result from mutant
forms of single late tulips. The
plant heights range from 8 to 30
inches and they bloom in late April.
Tulips with prominent green
marking from the base of their
petals to the tip belong to this
Division. They are considered a
novelty in the garden and are
closely related to single late
tulips. Their height ranges from 14
to 24 inches and they flower in late
April. These tulips are valued for
their exceptionally long flowering
period and very good cutting
The white, yellow, or red petals of these flowers are striped
with red, bronze, or purple. The color variations are actually
caused by a virus. During tulip mania in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, these tulips brought the highest prices.
The original, virus caused, Rembrandt tulips are no longer
propagated. Modern cultivars are virus free but resemble the
older types in color patterns. These tulips bloom in late April.
The name of this Division comes from the feathered, curved or
twisted petals of the flowers that resemble a bird. Regardless
of the main color of the flower, there is usually a green spot
at the base of the petals. Parrot tulips tend to be damaged by
winds and inclement weather so they should be planted in a
protective site. The plants range from 12 to 16 inches in height
and bloom in late April.
- 'Black Parrot'
- 'Blue Parrot'
- 'Fantasy'
- 'Flaming Parrot'
- 'James Forrestal'
- 'Karel Doorman'
- 'Orange Favorite'
- 'Texas Flame'
- 'Texas Gold'
Also called Peony Flowered
Tulips, this Division is the
smallest one. There are few
cultivars but the ones that exist
are striking. The double flowers
resemble those of peony plants and,
due to their size, can be damaged by
heavy rain and winds. Plant them in
a protected site for best display.
The plants range in height from 12
to 20 inches and flower in late
- 'Bonanza'
- 'Clara Carder'
- 'Engelenburcht'
- 'Eros'
- 'Gerbrandt Kieft'
- 'Mount Tacoma'
- 'Orange Triumph'
- 'Uncle Tom'
The flowers of these tulips
are said to resemble a star or waterlily in shape. They come
in white, yellow, pink and other colors and have bluish
green foliage with chocolate brown stripes. Tulips in this
class grow to about 4 to 8 inches in height. They are about
the earliest tulips to bloom in the spring.
- 'Goudstuk'
- 'Shakespeare'
- 'Johann Strauss'
- 'Stresa'
These plants produce among
the largest flowers of all tulips. The species that
contributed to this division originated in
Central Asia.
They flower in April and grow to a height of 10 to 20
- 'Red Emperor'
- 'Easter Parade'
- 'Galata'
- 'Purissima'
These tulips grow to about 8
to 12 inches in height. They bear brightly colored, medium
size flowers and the foliage has a purple stripe or is
mottled. The species at the base of these tulips originated
Turkestan. In April, the blooms open with a black heart.
- 'Cape Cod'
- 'Frits Phiillps'
- 'Margaret Herbst'
- 'Oriental Beauty'
- 'Red Riding Hood'
A plant species is one that
either exists in the wild today or that there is evidence
that it lived in the wild in the past. Even though this
division is called Species Tulips, it includes some human
made cultivated varieties (cultivars) too. Generally, this
is a catch all category for tulips that are unique in some
way and do not easily fit into one of the other 14
Tulipa acuminata
- This is a very old species,
probably of garden origin, with long, narrow, and
red marbled flowers with petals that terminate in
fringed points. Average plant height 16-20 inches.
Flowering mid-April.
Tulipa bakeri "Lilac Wonder"
This is a relatively new variety developed from
Tulipa bakeri. This selection has small lilac-pink
flowers that open out into stars with a orange-yellow
heart. Flowering mid-April. Average plant height 6-8
Tulipa batalinii
- This species is native to
Turkestan and has produced the cultivar "Bronze Charm".
This is practically the only one cultivated. The flowers
are golden yellow with a red hue, with pointed petals
that are star-shaped when open. Flowering mid-April.
Average plant height 6 inches.
Tulipa chrysantha
- This species is native to
the mountains of Afghanistan, where it can be found at
an altitude of 3000 meters. The flowers are yellow-red
and the foliage is bluish-green and very narrow.
Flowering mid-April. Average plant height 6-8 inches.
Tulipa clusiana - This species is native to
Persia and Afghanistan. The flowers are vertically
striped red-pink and white, and when open, the pointed
petals forms a star. Flowering mid-April. Average plant
height 12-14 inches.
Tulipa eichleri - This species is native to the
Caucasus Mountains. They have big, red and yellow
striped flowers with the petals terminating in points.
This is a vigorous plant that multiplies rapidly.
Flowering early April. Average plant height 10-12
Tulipa kolpakowskiana
- This species is native
Turkestan. It has small yellow flowers that are
flushed red on the outside petals. Flowering mid-April.
Average plant height 6-8 inches.
Tulipa linifolia
- This species is native to
Russia. It has big flowers that are brilliant red,
almost florescent, a color not found amongst any other
species. The pointed petals open in the sun, curving
back to form an elegant chalice with a brilliant black
heart. Flowering late April. Average plant height 4-6
Tulipa marjoletti
- This species is native to
Savoy. The flowers have pointed petals and are yellow
and bright red flamed. Flowering late April. Average
plant height 20-24 inches.
Tulipa pulchella violacea
- This species is native to
Asia Minor. It is a dwarf species with big,
globular purple violet flowers that open to stars. It
prefers to be planted in a sheltered place. Flowering
early April. Average plant height 5-6 inches.
Tulipa saxatilis
- This species is native to
Crete. The flowers are mauve-pink with yellow bases that
open in the sun to form stars. The foliage tends to be
rampant. Flowering early April. Average plant height
12-14 inches.
Tulipa tarda - This species is native to
Turkestan. The flowers are golden yellow with a white
tip. Each stem has 5-6 flowers which are star-shaped
when open. It multiplies rapidly into compact groups and
makes a good carpeting plant. Flowering early April.
Average plant height 8-10 inches.
Tulipa turkestanica
- This species is native to
Turkestan. The 7-9 flowers per stem are white and cream
with pointed petals when open. The plant has narrow
bluish leaves. It rapidly multiplies into compact
Tulipa urumiensis
- This species is native to
Iran and is one of the shortest dwarf tulips. The
flowers are bright yellow and open in the sun. This
species is not vigorous and tends to wear out easily.