Dense evergreen foliage is a light bluish
color - Opposite, scale-like needles in 4 rows.
Similar to those of western redcedar (Thuja plicata) with the 4 rows of leaves all the same
while redcedar has two opposite rows of folded
leaves. Crushed leaves have an unpleasant,
mildew odor.
Needs a moist climate
'Compacta' - large globular bush which may
grow 20feet tall
'Glauca' - foliage
very glaucous
'Lutea' - young shoots
a soft yellow-green, finally green
'Pendula' - erect trunk, horizontal
branches and pendulous branchlets.
Specimens of this tree in the
Pacific Northwest
are reported to live 1,000 to 1,500 years.