Rhamnus frangula 'Columnaris'
Tallhedge Buckthorn, Alder Buckthorn
Southern Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa

Upright, narrow, with erect growing branches, often devoid of leaves at the base.
Capable of growing 10-12, up to 18 feet tall with a spread of 4-6 feet, usually seen topped at 5-7 feet tall.
Flowers are creamy green, in clusters of 2-10, not showy.
Leaves are alternate, simple, oval, 1-3 inches long, entire, lustrous dark green in color, with 8-9 pairs of veins.
Fall color greenish-yellow to yellow.
Buds are naked, foliose, with brownish pubescence on the terminals smaller, brown and imbricate on the laterals.
Fruit is a red to purple-blackberry-like drupe, ¼ inch across, ripening from late July through September.
  • 'Asplenifolia' - cut-leaved variety of very fine texture
  • 'Columnaris' - sometimes called “Tallhedge”


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