Rhamnus cathartica
Common Buckthorn
Large shrub or small low-branched tree, with a rounded, dense crown of crooked stems.
18-25 feet tall with a similar spread.
Yellow-green, borne in 2-5 flowered umbels, not showy.
Leaves are opposite to sub-opposite, simple, 1½-3 inches long, elliptic to ovate, with a finely serrate margin, glossy dark green in color, with 3-5 pairs of veins.
Fall color is a poor yellowish-green.
Buds are smooth, brownish-black, imbricate, pressed close to the stem.
Stems are slender, with the terminal end modified into a small spine, in place of the terminal bud.
Fruit is a black, berry-like drupe, ¼ inch in diameter, not edible, causing a rather severe reaction if eaten


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