Quercus alba  |
White Oak |
Eastern United States |
Large, wide-spreading tree with a short, thick
trunk, massive horizontal branches and a broad
crown. Bark is light ashy-gray in color,
fissured into scaly ridges, or small, vertically
arranged blocks. |
50-80 feet tall with a similar spread. |
Plants are
monoecious. Male flowers are borne in
clustered, pendent catkins the females are
borne solitary, or in a few flowered spike in
the axils of the new leaves. |
Leaves are alternate, simple, 4-8½ inches
long, with a wedge-shaped base and 5-9, more or
less deep, rounded, entire lobes, dark green in
color. |
Fall color is brown to rich red to wine color,
persisting. |
Fruit is an acorn, solitary or paired, with or
without a short stalk, ½-¾ inch long,
oblong, with a bowl-like cap, enclosing ¼ of
the nut. |