Quercus acutissima  |
Sawtooth Oak |
Japan and Korea |
Dense, broadly pyramidal when young, developing
an oval to a broadly rounded crown at maturity. |
35-45 feet tall with a similar spread. |
Plants are
monoecious. Male flowers are borne in
clustered, pendent catkins the females are
borne solitary, or in a few flowered spike in
the axils of the new leaves. |
Leaves are alternate, simple, 3˝ -7˝
inches long, oblong with a pointed apex, serrate
with bristle-like teeth, lustrous dark green in
color. |
Fall color is greenish-yellow to a good, clear
yellow. |
Fruit is an acorn, without a stalk, with a cap
composed of long, spreading, recurved scales,
covering ⅔ of the nut. |