Lustrous, deep green leaves, up to 3+ in. long - young
foliage is often a rich bronze
Drooping flower clusters about 5 inches long - mid-April
'Coinpacta' - 6 feet tall with leaves
about one-half the size of the species.
'Crispa' - leaves with wavy margins.
'Dorothy Wycoff' - compact-growing with
leaves turning a reddish green in the
winter. Winter flower buds are dark red,
turning to dark pink -flowers are true pink.
'Flaming' - pink flowers which do
not fade.
'Pink Bud' - buds and newly opened
flowers are pink.
'Pygmaea' - leaves small
'Variegata' - leaves with white margins.
'Whltecaps' - this clone has
exceptionally long flower clusters - blooms
last 6 weeks - flowers are pure white.
'White Cascade'- clear white flowers -
stay white for weeks - heavy flower set each