Petunia Hybrids |
Petunias |
South America |
Mainly pinks, reds, yellows, violets or white -
Some have veined or striped petals, or
contrasting edges or centers. |
Season long |
There are hundreds of cultivars of petunia
available to the home landscaper. Generally,
they may be divided into the following
categories: |
Grandiflora petunias
large, heavy blossoms sometimes prone to damage and rot during
hot, humid summers. The flowers are often frilled or
ruffled along the edges.
Storm Series - weather-tolerant and have
high disease tolerance, uniformity and 3-4 inch
Ultra Series - compact and low spreading
with masses of 3-4 inch ruffled blooms. *'Daddy' series petunias have large flowers with
distinctive dark veining. They are rain tolerant.
Multiflora petunias
have flowers that are not as large as the grandiflora types. Multifloras produce masses of color through
summer until frost. They are very free-flowering, vigorous
and resistant to petal blight.
There are single-and double flowered types.
Carpet Series - compact, early blooming with 1½-2 inch
Primetime Series - compact and uniform, covered
with 2¼ inch flowers.
'Heavenly Lavender' - compact, double, deep
lavender blue with 3 inch blooms on 12-14 inch
have flowers that are intermediate between the grandiflora and the multiflora groups. They are
free-flowering like the multifloras and produce
medium-sized blooms.
Celebrity Series - compact and
rain-tolerant. Flowers are 2½-3 inches across.
Madness Series - Big, 3 inch flowers
in many veined and solid colors. They are compact
and bloom until frost.
'Double Madness' - compact and
floriferous with big, 3 inch flowers
petunias are much smaller than any other petunias. The
flowers are only 1-1½ inches wide.
Spreading or Trailing
petunias are low-growing
but spread as much as 3-4 feet. They form a
colorful groundcover because the flowers form
along the entire length of each stem. They can be used
in window boxes or hanging baskets.
'Purple Wave' - first cultivar in the class of
spreading petunias. Large blooms of deep
rose-purple. It is tolerant of summer heat, drought and
rain damage. Remains under 4 inches tall.
'Wave' Series - available in a multitude of
colors. Weather-tolerant, disease resistant
and heavy blooming.
Tidal Wave Series - spreading, reaching 2-4 feet in width, but are much taller
at 16-22 inches tall. Called hedge petunias because
of their height and dense growth.
Opera Supreme Series - large flowers and
bloom prolificly