x hortorum |
Geranium, Zonal Geranium,
Bedding Geranium |
Hybrid Origin |
Round habit |
12-20 inches |
Umbel, densely flowered, calyx spur elongate,
petals nearly equal red, pink, salmon, white, usually
uniform in color but sometimes variegated. Flowers may
be single, semidouble or double and 2-3 inches wide. |
Mostly opposite, leaves round to reniform,
3-5 inches wide, cordate, leaf margin scalloped and
crenate-toothed leaves often zoned or variegated heavy
odor to bruised foliage. |
Elite Series - Early flowering type with
compact growth, 10-12 inches tall.
- 'Freckles' - Pink flowers with dark rose
centers, compact grower.
- ' orange Appeal' - True orange flowers on a
free-flowering compact plant.
Orbit Series - Compact, early
flowering and has excellent zonation.
Pinto Series - Multiple flower
heads. 12-14 inches tall.
Ringo Series - This series contains 8
Sprinter Series - Early bloom and long bloom
season. Plants are 14-16 inches tall.