Nyssa sylvatica
Sour Gum, Black Tupelo

Upright, irregularly pyramidal, with a strong central trunk when young, forming an irregular rounded or flat-topped crown when mature.
30-50 feet tall with a spread of 20-30 feet
Plants are polygamo-dioecious. Flowers are small, greenish-white, not showy.
Leaves are alternate, simple, elliptic, 2-5 inches long, with an acute tip and entire margins, lustrous dark green in color.
Fall color varies from bright yellow, orange, red, to purple, always brilliant and showy in color.
Bark is dark gray, broken into irregular ridges, somewhat resembling Alligator hide. Stems have chambered pith and short spur growths.
Fruit is a bluish-black, oblong drupe, ˝ inch long, ripening in late September-October



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