Liriope spicata |
Lily Turf, Creeping Lily-turf |
4-10 |
Stoloniferous evergreen forms a heavy,
almost impenetrable mass. |
8-12 inches tall with flower scapes to 10 inches. |
The small flowers,
Y4 inches wide, are pale violet to white and are
arranged in terminal racemes atop erect, light
violet-brown flower scapes
8-10 inches tall. Blue blackberry like fruit are
often present in the fall. |
Summer |
Evergreen grasslike leaves, 18 inches long and ¾ inch wide. serrulate margin. In Northern areas,
the foliage is a dark green until January and
then turns to a pale green-brown color due to
winter damage. |
- 'Gold Banded' - Leaves are variegated with a gold
band down the middle lavender flowers.
- 'John Burch' - Variegated foliage and crested
lavender flowers. The tip of the flower
resembles the cockscomb found on Celosia.
- 'Lilac Beauty' - This cultivar is a good
flowering selection with stiff, lilac flowers
held above the foliage.
- 'Majestic' - Violet-blue flowers which are larger
than the species.
- 'Monroe's White' - Good
white flowered cultivar that grows slower than
other cultivars.
- 'Silvery Midget' - Variegated foliage, violet
flowers, 8 inches tall.
- 'Silvery Sunproof' - The variegated leaves are
nearly white when grown in full sun but fade to
green or yellowish-green in shade areas. 10-12 inches
- 'Variegata' - This cultivar is probably the most
common variegated form. The leaf margins are
lined with cream and the flowers are lilac