- 'Ames' - pyramidal shrub with steel-blue
- 'Armstrongii' - sport or seedling of
J. chinensis 'Pfitzeriana', -
slow growing shrub reaching a height of 4
feet and with a softer blue-green foliage
- 'Columniris' - Blue Columnar Chinese
Juniper - narrowly columnar in habit, with
silvery-green foliage. All the leaves are
sharply pointed
- 'Mas' - densely columnar form
- 'Mountbatten' - excellent narrowly
columnar tree and the foliage is a
grayish-green color. One of the best
of the fruiting Chinese Juniperus species - Junipers
- 'Nick's Compact' - sport or a seedling
of the Pfitzer Juniper, one of the best of
the compact junipers.
- 'Obelisk' - fruiting pyramidal tree with
steel-blue foliage color.
- 'Pfitzeriana'
- One of the best of all the shrubby
- 'Pfltzeriana Aurea' - sport of 'Pfitzeriana'
and is not to be confused with the botanical
variety J. chinensis 'Aurea'.
- 'Richeson' - sport of the Pfltzer
Juniper, excellent gray-blue color plants
2-3 feet tall
- var sargentii - Sargent Juniper,
forming a mat 8-10 feet across, this rugged
juniper makes an especially fine groundcover