Heuchera sanguinea |
Coralbells, Alumroot, Crimson Bells |
3-8 |
Seventy species are native to the Rocky Mountains -
United States and
Canada |
Perennial of moist, shaded areas. |
12-20 inches tall and 12 inches wide |
Flowers ¼-½ inches long, bell shaped, in cymose
panicles on stems 10-20 inches long.
Flower colors are red, pink, or white. |
Late spring to early summer |
Mostly basal, reniform to ovate-orbicular, ¾-2 inches wide, base cordate, lobed and dentate,
glandular-pubescent, borne on hairy petioles 1½-5 inches
long. |
Plants are shallow rooted and subject to frost
heaving. To help alleviate heaving, crowns
should be set 1 inch below soil level and
mulched. |
'Bressingham Blaze' - Fiery red flowers with marbled
- 'Bressingham Hybrids' - Hybrid of mixed colors in shades
of white, pink and coral-red. This cultivar is usually
seed propagated.
- 'Chatterbox' - Rose-pink flowers, June-September
flowering period.
- 'Cherry Splash' - Cherry red flowers over
leaves with white and gold splashes.
- 'Firebird' - Deep scarlet flowers, 15-18 inches tall.
- 'Frosty' - Very heavy silvered foliage and bright red
- 'Green lvory' - White flowers, 24-30 inches tall.
- 'June Bride' - White flowers on 15 inches stems.
- 'Matin Bells' - Coral-red flowers, June-September
flowering period.
- 'Rain of Fire' - Cherry-red flowers, 18 inches.
- 'Pretty Polly' - Pale pink flowers, 10-12 inches tall.
- 'Red Spangles' - Deep red flowers and dark green foliage.
- 'Scarlet Sentinel' - Red flowers, 30 inches tall.
- 'Scintillation' - Red flowers, 24-30 inches tall.
- 'Silver Veii' - Foliage of this new cultivar has a silver
overlay. The silver color is more solid than that found on 'Snow Storm'.
- 'Snowflakes' - White flowers.
- 'Snow Storm' - The foliage of this cultivar
is variegated with dense white speckling and
the flowers are Cercise colored.
- 'White Cloud' - White to cream colored flowers, 18 inches.
This species has hairy foliage like
Tiarella and Tolmiea, however, it differs
from them by having petals that are shorter than the
sepals and by consistently having 5 stamens.
Dan Heims, Terra-Nova Nursery, Portland, Oregon,
has selected several hybrid Heucheras which are being produced by
tissue culture.
honors a German botanist ,
J. H. von Heucher. |