The magenta flowers are carried on 1 flowered axillary peduncles. The flowers have 5 petals and are
1-1˝ inches wide.
Leaves are circular in outline with 5-7 narrow
lobes and 1˝-2 inches wide. The leaf surfaces
have scattered hispid hairs and the stems and
flower peduncles have spreading white hairs. The
foliage turns red to maroon after the first hard
'Album' - Pure white flowers, 10-12 inches tall.
'Aviemore' - Clear
pink flowers, 12 inches tall.
'Elspeth' - Pink flowers, dark green leaves turning a nice
red color in the fall.
var. striatum - Light pink flowers with reddish veins. It
is 6-8 inches tall and may be the best cultivar. It is also
sold as 'Lancastriense' or 'Prostraturn'.