Echinops ritro |
Small Globe Thistle |
3-8 |
Southern Europe |
Stiffly erect perennial primarily of gravelly slopes and
sunny wastelands |
3-4 feet tall with a 2-5 feet width |
Heads 1½-2 inches wide, dark blue, on tomentose peduncles, outer bristle-like bracts
about half as long as the acuminate inner
bracts. The flower heads provide a nice color
long before the actual flowers open, which
prolongs the flowering season. |
Summer for 6-8
weeks |
Alternate, pinnatifid into lanceolate,
acuminate, spinose-toothed segments, the upper
surface rough and setose and deep green the
lower surface white tomentose, basal leaves much
larger and petioled. Leaves are thistle-like
with spiny tips. |
Tolerates hot
climates |
- 'Taplow BIue' - Steel blue
flower heads with a silvery overcast, up to 3 inches
in diameter. Plants are 4-5 feet tall.
- 'Taplow Purple' - Violet-blue flowers which are
not as ornamental as those of 'Taplow Blue'.
- 'Veitch's BIue' - Steel blue flowers which are
darker than 'Taplow Blue'. There are numerous
flower heads on stems 3-3½ feet tall.
Echinops in
Greek means “like a hedgehog” and refers to the
spiny involucral bracts. |