Dendranthema x morifolium
aka Chrysanthemum
x morifolium
Hardy Chrysanthemum
Hybrid Origin

Mounded shape
1-3 feet tall with a spread often equal to the height.
Heads of various sizes and shapes, typically clustered flower colors are yellow, orange, red, bronze, white, or lavender.
Late summer to frost
Leaves thick, strongly aromatic, lanceolate to ovate, to 3 inches long, lobed ˝-1˝  inch depth of the blade, lobes entire or coarsely toothed, lower surface gray pubescent.

Chrysanthemum means “golden flower” in Greek. The name is derived from chryos, gold and anthos, a flower. The Asian origin is reflected in the wide usage in frequent images in art forms, in teas and even as a calming medicinal tea.


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