Coreopsis grandiflora |
Coreopsis, Tickseed, Lance
Coreopsis |
4-9 |
Central United States,
Southern Africa and the
Hawaiian Islands |
2-3 feet clump forming plant with erect flower stems
12 inches wide. |
Heads 1-2 inches wide, on very long peduncles,
about 8 yellow rays, yellow
or chestnut disk flowers. |
Early to late summer. |
Opposite, leaves usually in a few pairs or
mostly in a tuft near the base, oblong spatulate or
lanceolate or nearly linear. 2-6 inches long, obtuse, entire
or sometimes with 1 or 2 small lateral lobes. |
Leaf spots, rust, powdery mildew, potato aphid,
four-lined plant bug and spotted cucumber
beetle. None are serious problems. |
sun in a well-drained soil. It is tolerant of
dry soils. |
- 'Baby Sun' - Single golden-yellow flowers, 12-20 inches tall.
- 'Badengold' - Bright yellow flowers on long
stems from early to late summer. Individual flowers are
up to 4 inches wide.
- 'Early Sunrise' - 18-24 inches tall with double
yellow flowers.
- 'Goldfink' - 10 inches tall and 2 inch wide single
yellow flowers.
- 'Mayfield Giant' - Golden-yellow flowers, 2-4 inches diameter,
carried on 2-3 feet tall stems.
- 'Rotkehlchen' - 12 inches tall and
has yellow flowers with brown centers.
- 'Sunburst' - Brilliant, semidouble yellow flowers, 24 inches tall.
- 'Sunray' - 18-24 inches tall and
has 4 inch wide, golden-yellow double flowers.