Clematis Hybrids
Hybrid Origin

Climbs by twisting leaf petioles.
Clematis prefers a warm top (full sun to partial shade on the vine) and a cool bottom (shade on the root zone).

Large flowered hybrid clematis
Name Color Aspect Vigor Prune
Late spring, repeating in early autumn
'Barbara Jackman' Violet-purple, crimson bar   Any Moderate B
'Elsa Spath' Blue free-flowering Not sunless  Moderate B
'Lasurstem'  Purplish-blue Not sunless Moderate B
'Nelly Moser' Mauve-pink, carmine bar  Some shade Moderate B
'The President'    Deep violet paler bar Any Moderate B
Early summer to midsummer
'Sealand Gem'   Mauve purple bar Any Moderate B
'William Kennett'  Lavender-blue crimped edges Not sunless  Strong B
Early to late summer
'Etoile Violette' Deep violet medium-sized  Any Strong C
'Marie Boisselot' white large free-flowering Any Moderate B
Middle to late summer
'Jackmanii' Violet-blue free-flowering   Any Strong C
'Madame Edouard André'    Deep red pointed sepals Any Low C
'W. E. Gladston'  Lavender free-flowering Sheltered Strong C
Early summer to autumn
'Comtesse de Bouchaud' Soft pink, flushed mauve  Any Moderate


Midsummer to early autumn
'Ernest Markham' Glowing red difficult  to establish Not sunless Moderate C
'Lady Betty Balfour' Rich violet-blue   Full sun Strong C
'Ville de Lyon' Bright carmine-red deeper-colored edges Not sunless Moderate C


Historic Clematis Cultivars
Cultivar Species Intro Yr Comments
'Ascotiensis ' C. viticella 1880 The flowers are azure blue, 8-10 inches in diameter and blooms in August-September on the current year's wood.
'Belle of Woking' C. Florida 1885 The large flowers are double and silvery gray, appearing in May-June on the previous year's growth.
'Comptesse de Bouchard' C. jackmanii 1915 The flowers are 5-6 inches in diameter, a satiny rose color, usually with 6 sepals, appearing from July-October on the current year's wood.
'Crimson King' C. lanuginosa 1916 Probably one of the best large crimson flowered clematis, but it can become a weak grower. The anthers are chocolate-colored and it blooms in July-August
'Duchess of Albany' C. texensis 1897 Bell-shaped flowers about 14 inches in diameter, pink, borne from July-September on the current year's wood.
'Duchess of Edinburgh' C. Florida 1887 This is one of the best, large-flowering, double, pure white clematis, with very fragrant flowers appearing in May-June on wood made the previous year.
'Edouard Desfosse' C. patens 1877 Very large violet flowers (with darker ban on the sepals) usually of 6 or more sepals, blooming in May on wood of the previous year. This is the earliest of the C. patens hybrids to bloom.
'Elsa Spöth' C. lanuginosa 1891 The flowers can be 8 inches in diameter, a bright blue and deeper towards the center, appearing in July-August on the current year's wood.
'Ernest Markham' C. vitifolia 1926 Large red flowers from July-September on wood formed the current year. This is very popular because of its vivid color.
'Fairy Queen' C. lanuginoso 1877 The large flowers are pale pink with a deeper pink bar on each sepal and appear in July-August on the current year's growth.
'Gipsy Queen' C. jackmanii 1877 Dark, velvety, purple flowers in July-August on the current year's wood.
'Henryi' C. lanuginosa 1872 The 6-8 inches flowers are a creamy white with a center of dark stamens in June-July. They appear on the current year's growth.
'I-iuldine' C. viticella 1936 Pearly white, translucent flowers with a mauve-pink bar down the reverse side of each sepal, make this one of the best. The flowers are profusely borne, appearing in July-August and are about 4 inches in diameter, with 4 sepals.
Jackmanii 'Alba' C. jackmanii 1878 Large white flowers on the current year's growth, are at first double, produced from older wood, then single produced on the current year's growth.
Jackmanii 'Rubra' C. jackmanii 1903 Flowers are a deep red, sometimes the flowers produced from old wood are double.
Jackmanii 'Superba' C. jackmanii 1889 This is an improved form of the original C. jackmanii with dark purple flowers 5 inches in diameter, an excellent and very popular variety.
'King Edward Vii ' C. lanuginosa 1903 Purplish-violet flowers, large with soft crimson bar on each sepal, appearing June to October
'Lady Betty Balfour' C. viticella 1913 The velvety-purple, summer-blooming flowers with yellow stamens are profusely produced in September and October on the current year's growth. The flowers are about 5 inches in diameter
'Lady Caroline Neville' C, lanuginosa 1866 The white flowers have a mauve bar on each sepal. The anthers are a pale reddish brown and the flowers appear from June to October
'Lasurstem' C. patens 1906 With large, deep purplish-blue flowers 7-8 inches wide, produced on old wood in May-June and sometimes again on new wood in July-August
'Lord Neville' C. lanuginosa 1870 Dark Plum purple flowers with a deeper bar on each sepal, appear from June to August The sepals have wavy edges and this variety is supposed to have a very long blooming period.
'Mme. Baron Veillard' C. jackmanii 1885 Large bright velvet-red flowers late in July.
'Mme. Edouard Andre' C. jackmanii 1892 Medium-sized flowers, for C. jackmanii, velvety red and profusely borne on the current year's wood in July-August
'Miss Bateman' C. patens 1869 Large white flowers with chocolate-red stamens in the center, produced on the previous year's growth in May-June.
'Mrs. Cholomondeley' C. lanuginosa 1870 Large light blue flowers up to 8 inches wide, with spaces between the sepals, but the flowers are freely produced from May until September, making this one of the longest flowering of the clematis.
'Mrs. Spencer Castle' C. viticella 1915 Pale mauve-pink flowers which are double when produced on the old wood and single when produced on the young wood. The flowers appear from June to October
'Nelly Moser' C. patens 1897 An old reliable favorite with pale mauve-pink blossoms, usually 8 sepals. With deep pink bar down each, blooming May-June on the previous year's wood, sometimes again In September
'Prins Hendrik' C. lanuginosa 1912 The large azure-blue sepals are slightly crimped on the edges, the flowers being 7 inches wide and appearing in July-August
'Ramona' C. lanuginosa 1874 Pale lavender-blue flowers.
'The President' C. patens 1880 The large flowers are dark blue to reddish plum-violet with a paler bar down the middle of each sepal and appear from June to October
'Vile de Lyon' C. viticella 1900 Introduced  Large flowers of reddish purple with deeper color around the edges of the sepals, appearing on the current year's wood from July-September


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