lutea = Cladrastis kentukea |
American Yellowwood |
3 |
Southern United States |
Upright, dense, low branched
tree, with a broad, rounded crown. |
30-50 feet tall with a spread
of 40-55 feet |
Flowers are white,
fragrant, 1 inch long, borne in terminal racemes
or panicles, 8-14 inches long, very showy. |
Late May-early June |
Leaves are alternate, pinnately
compound with 7-11 leaflets, each being 2˝-4
inches long, oval, with a short acunnate apex
and entire margins, the terminal leaflet being
slightly larger, bright green in color. |
Fall color is bright yellow. |
Buds are subpetiolar |
Bark is very smooth, gray in
color, with a yellow inner wood. |
Fruit is a brown pod, 2˝-3
inches long, ripening in October |
'Rosea’- A pink flowered form.