Carya laciniosa
Shellbark Hickory, Big Shellbark Hickory, King Nut Hickory
New York to Iowa, south to Tennessee and Oklahoma - United States

High branching canopy with narrow, oblong crown with lower branches drooping.
60 to 80 feet
Alternate, pinnately compound, 10 to 24” long, 7 leaflets-rarely 5 to 9, 4 to 10” long, oblong-lanceolate, acu­minate, serrate, dark yellow-green, pubescent beneath. Leaflets do not have hairs at tip of teeth like those of C. ovata; stem is often orange-brown in color;
Similar to C. ovata in bud, stem and bark characteristics
Fruit is somewhat larger and nut is 4 to 6 ribbed versus 4 ribbed nut of C. ovata.





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