Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Creeper |
Southeastern United States |
A vigorous shrubby vine |
Climbing to 30 feet or more by means
of aerial rootlets. |
Flowers are reddish-orange, trumpet-shaped, 2˝-3˝ inches long, bone in terminal
clusters of 4-12,very
showy. |
July-September |
Leaves are opposite, pinnately compound with
9-11 leaflets, each being 1-2˝ inches long,
ovate to elliptic, with a tapering apex and a
truncate to wedge-shaped base, often lopsided,
coarsely toothed, bright green in color. |
Fall color is yellowish green. |
Bark is exfoliating, shreddy. |
Fruit is an elongated cylindrical capsule, 4-10
inches long, ripening from August-October and
persisting. |
- 'Flava' - pure yellow flowers - leaves
are opposite and compound, with 9-11
leaflets, each being 11-24 inches long - can
send runners underground and send up new
plants at quite a distance from the main