Aquilegia canadensis
Canadian Columbine, Wild Columbine
Of the 20 species native to North America, this is the only one with a predominantly eastern distribution.

2-3 feet tall
Nodding flowers with yellow sepals and red spurs. The petals form a hollow red, upward pointing spur where nectar is produced.
Serpentine and blotch leaf miners often disfigure the leaves of columbine with their mines. Hand-picking or spraying with insecticides when the mines are first seen holds them in check. Columbine aphid and the caterpillars of a skipper butterfly are occasional pests.
  • 'Corbett' - very floriferous, yellow flowered cultivar, 12-24 inches tall.
Sometimes bumblebees will perforate the nectar spurs of the flowers because they are too large to enter by the usual opening.


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