filipendulina (A. eupatorium) |
Fernleaf Yarrow |
3-8 |
Caucasus Mountains |
Upright, Erect plants
that may require staking unless grown in full sun and
dry soil, especially if located in a windy area. |
3-4 feet tall and
spread of 3 feet. |
Heads small, in
dense, compound convex corymbs which can be up
to 5 inches wide. Flower color is yellow. |
Late spring to
midsummer removal of faded flowers to prevent
seed formation prolongs the blooming period. |
alternate, up to 10 inches long, progressively reduced
upward. linear to elliptic, 1-2 pinnatifid into
linear-lanceolate. toothed segments, leaves are
pubescent. They have a strong spicy odor and
fern-like texture. |
Powdery mildew,
rust and stem rot |
Full sun, dry
soil-no special needs beyond ordinary
soil. |
'Old Gold' |
A hybrid with grey-green leaves and broad, flat,
golden yellow heads, 2-3 feet tall. Considered a rebloomer. |
'Coronation Gold' |
A hybrid which is lower growing than A. filipendulina and
generally requires less staking. Flowers are
especially good for drying. A vigorous plant
with good heat tolerance. 3 feet tall. |
'Gold Plate' |
Tall growing plants with corymbs to
6 inches wide mustard-yellow flowers are useful as
cut flowers. |
'New Gold' |
A heavy flowering selection, 2 feet tall with
golden yellow flowers. It is an excellent
sturdy, long-lasting, cut flower. |
'Parker's variety ' |
3½ feet plant with yellow flowers in 4 inches diameter
heads plant structure is more open than 'Gold
Plate. ' |
'Anthea' |
Alan Bloom,
Bressingham Gardens, Diss,
England, developed this hybrid.
It is 15-20 inches tall with long serrated silvery
leaves. The flower color is slightly paler than 'Moonshine'. The secondary flower heads flower
profusely as the terminal flowers decline. This
cultivar, which is named after Alan's daughter,
has potential as a cut flower. |
'Credo' |
This is an upcoming cultivar developed by Ernst Pagel in Germany. It is a hybrid of
A. filipendulina x A. miillfolium. It has
large yellow flowers, a good texture and best
of all, strong stems which do not need
staking. |
'Moonshine' |
This hybrid of A. clypeolata x A. taygetea has beautiful
silver-gray, feathery foliage and bright yellow
flowers. It is 2 feet tall and may be the best
Achillea for the garden. It performs well in
Northern gardens but high humidity and moisture
in Southern zones often causes melting out. This
excellent hybrid was developed by
Alan Bloom in
the 1950s. |
Border, cut
flowers and dried flowers. If the flowers are
cut before pollen development, the dried heads
will retain their color. |