rufinerve |
Redvein Maple |
5 to 7 |
Japan |
30 to 35 feet |
Borne in rusty
brown pubescent racemes in May. |
Opposite, simple, 2 1/2 to 5” long, 3-lobed to obscurely
5-lobed, truncate or cordate, terminal lobe triangular,
larger than the laterals, margins finely and irregularly
toothed, dark green above, glabrous, lower pale with
reddish down on veins; petiole 1 to 2” long, pubescent
in youth. |
Red |
Samaras are 3/4
inch in length and have wings that angle in 90
to 120 degrees. |
- ‘Albolimbatum’ is a handsome cultivar
with white splashed and marbled leaves, the
entire variegation pattern quite irregular.
‘Winter Gold’ offers bright. golden yellow
winter bark which changes to yellow-green in
spring and summer; smaller in habit but
otherwise similar to the species.