Abies fraseri
Fraser Fir, Southern Balsam Fir, Southern Fir
4 to 7
Mountains of West Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee - United States
30 to 40’ in height by 20 to 25’ in spread
Crowded needles 1/2 to 1” long and 1/24” wide. They are flat, grooved, shining dark green above with 2 broad bands of 8 to 12 stomata lines beneath. The needles are dark green and shining.
Cones are ovoid to cylindrical, 1.5 to 2.5 inches long. They are purple when young and turn tan brown at maturity. Bracts protrude and bend downwards.

They do not like hot, dry weather and need a moist, well-drained soil.


Discovered by the legendary Scottish plant explorer, John Fraser.


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