Hawthorn, Thornapple, May-tree, Whitethorn or Hawberry

Depending on who you consult, there are around 200 species of shrubs and trees in this genus. They originate primarily from the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia and North America. The name comes from the Greek word for strength which is supposed to refer to the strong wood of the trees.

Crataegus arnoldiana Arnold Hawthorn
(Arnold Arboretum)
C. crus-galli Cockspur Hawthorne
C. eoccinioides Kansas Hawthorn
C. intricata Thicket Hawthorn

C. laevigata

English Hawthorn

C. x lavallei Lavalle Hawthorn
C. mollis Downy Hawthorn
C. monogyna Single Seed Hawthorn
C. mordenensis Toba Hawthorn
C. nitida Glossy Hawthorn
C. oxyaeantlia English Hawthorn
C. phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorne

C. pimiatifida major

Large Chinese Hawthorn

C. prunosa Frosted Hawthorn
C. succulenta Fleshy Hawthorn
C. viridis Green Hawthorn
C. wattiana Watts Hawthorn


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