No.Sport HostasMother PlantSourceRegistered
1 'Eye Never''Eye Declare'Wilson, Chris.2013 .2018
2 'Field Rat''Flamenco Mouse'Wilson, Chris--NR--
3 'Flamenco Mouse''Blue Mouse Ears'Wilson, Chris.2012
4 'Great Lakes Lighthouse''Lakeside Shore Master'Wilson, Chris.2016
5 'Heart's Delight''Warwick Delight'Wilson, Chris.2007
6 'Honey Roasted''Paradigm'Wilson, Chris--NR--
7 'Icy Fog''Allegan Fog'Wilson, Chris--NR--
8 'North Wind''Second Wind'Wilson, Chris.2008
9 'Peace Offer''Olive Branch'Wilson, Chris.2013
10 'Radiant Star''Radiant Edger'Wilson, Chris.2007
11 'Smurfette''El Nino'Wilson, Chris.2017
12 'Sublime''Blaze of Glory'Wilson, Chris--NR--
13 'Summer Rainbow''Winter Snow'Bowe, Dave & Wilson, Chris.2010
14 'The Next Generation''Enterprise'Wilson, Chris--NR--
15 'Wings of a Prayer''Praying Hands'Wilson, Chris.2009

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