


The numbers in parenthesis ( ) represent the number of hosta cultivars in our database associated with that person, business or organization as of February, 2023. Do not try to combine the numbers to make a total for hosta cultivars. Remember that many hostas have more than one entity listed as "originator" and/or "registrant" so there may be as many as four or five different people associated with one particular cultivar.

We still need to find a home state, country or full name for about 75 originators. Please check out the list of these people and let us know if you can fill in some details. Thanks, Mr PGC. 

  1. A&D Nursery of Washington (1)
  2. Hiroshi Abe of Japan (2)
  3. Deb Abrams of New York (1)
  4. Dan Adams from Illinois (1)
  5. Joy Adams of Iowa (4)
  6. Carlon Addison of Ohio (2)
  7. Paul Aden of Garden of Aden in New York (267)
  8. Marlene Ahlburg of Germany (8)
  9. Thomas Ahrens of Germany (2)
  10. D. Aiello of Rhode Island (1)
  11. Andres Alamillo of California (1)
  12. Mary Amberg of Massachusetts (1)
  13. The American Hosta Society (335)
  14. Chuck Anderson of Mason Hollow Nursery in New Hampshire (4)
  15. Sue Anderson of Mason Hollow Nursery in New Hampshire (4)
  16. Jim Anderson of Winterberry Farms in Georgia (63)
  17. K. Anderson of Indiana (1)
  1. Ken Anderson of Minnesota (26)
  2. Luke Anderson of Minnesota (1)
  3. Marlys Anderson of Iowa (4)
  4. Barry Ankney of White Oak Nursery in Illinois (5)
  5. Charles Applegate of Ohio (2)
  6. Jim Archibald of England (1)
  7. Georg Arends of Germany (5)
  8. Anne Arett of Minnesota (14)
  9. Maxine Armstrong of Nebraska (10)
  10. Beth Arnold of Illinois (4)
  11. Arrowhead Nursery of Michigan (1)
  12. A. Artley of North Carolina (1)
  13. Hisatoyo Asami of Japan (1)
  14. Stuart Asch of Michigan (75)
  15. Bate Aukema of the Netherlands (22)
  16. Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery in North Carolina (114)
  17. Bob Axmear of Iowa  (15)


  1. Daisy Bachik of Michigan (1)
  2. Lloyd Bachman of Minnesota (1)
  3. Crickett Bailey of Vermont (2)
  4. Liberty Hyde Bailey of Michigan (6)
  5. John Baker of England (29)
  6. Bob Balitewicz of Indiana (63)
  7. Diana Ballantyne of Oregon (1)
  8. Don Ballantyne of Oregon (1)
  9. Patricia Balletta of New York (1)
  10. Princetta Balthemeau of Ohio (1)
  11. Bruce Banyai of Delaware (9)
  12. Pauline Banyai of Michigan (50)
  13. T.R. (Dick) Barbee of Ohio (1)
  14. Anna Barger of Ontario, Canada (3)
  15. Bill Barger of Ontario, Canada (3)
  16. Dave Barham of Canada (1)
  17. Rosemary Barrett of New Zealand (3)
  18. Jack Barta of Jack's Hostas in Wisconsin (8)
  19. Jennifer Bartley of Ohio (1)
  20. Jocelyne Bastille of Aux Mille Hostas in Canada (56)
  21. Hamish Batten of England (1)
  22. R. Beal of Massachusetts (1)
  23. P.J. Beaulier of New Hampshire Hostas in New Hampshire (2)
  24. Josef Becherer of Germany (10)
  25. Stan Beikmann of Michigan (5)
  26. Dr. Doug Beilstein of Ohio (153)
  27. Mardy Beilstein of Ohio (75)
  28. Al Belk sold hostas on Ebay (2)
  29. Belle Gardens in Michigan  (17)
  30. Royall Bemis of Blackthorne Gardens in Massachusetts (8)
  31. Matt Bendig of Wisconsin (4)
  32. Dorothy Benedict of Michigan (18)
  33. Dr. Ralph (Herb) Benedict of Michigan (349)
  34. Jeff Benfield of North Carolina (1)
  35. Pierre Bennerup of Connecticut (8)
  36. Bill Bennett of Virginia (1)
  37. Gerry Bennett of Massachusetts (2)
  38. Bentley Gardens in Georgia (1)
  39. Leo Berbee of the Netherlands (2)
  40. Amy Bergeron of Michigan (10)
  41. Tracy Berrios of Iowa (2)
  42. Carl Betcher (1)
  43. Marianne Beuchert of Germany from Botanical Gardens of Beijing (3)
  44. A. Birks of Massachusetts (1)
  1. H. Bishop (1)
  2. Lynn Bisschop of Shades of Green in Ontario, Canada (6)
  3. Gwen Black of England (4)
  4. Paul Black of Oregon (2)
  5. Amanda Blake of Australia (15)
  6. Arie Blom of The Netherlands (1)
  7. Alan Bloom of England (4)
  8. Blue Jean Nursery of Ohio (2)
  9. Tim Boak of Ohio (2)
  10. John Bond of Savill Gardens in England (3)
  11. Norma Bond of Iowa (1)
  12. Sandra Bond of Goldbrook Plants in England (31)
  13. Richard Boonstra of Ohio (1)
  14. Wm Borsch of Oregon (3)
  15. Ann Bowden of Bowden Hostas in England (8)
  16. Roger Bowden of Bowden Hostas in England (20)
  17. Dave Bowe of Ohio (27)
  18. B. Peter Brandt-SØrheim of New York (6)
  19. Carol Brashear of Connecticut (22)
  20. Gaby Braun-Nauerz of Germany (6)
  21. Al Breiwick of Minnesota (1)
  22. Jody Brennan of Pennsylvania (1)
  23. Briggs Nursery of Massachusetts (2)
  24. Briggs Nursery of Washington (3)
  25. Kirk Brill of Iowa (17)
  26. Bill Brincka of Indiana (8)
  27. Larry Brinker of Canada (1)
  28. Christina Brinkmann of Germany (26)
  29. British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society (44)
  30. Ernest Brodeur of Massachusetts (2)
  31. Gary Bronson of Ohio (2)
  32. Carolyn Broussard of Virginia (1)
  33. Floyd Broussard of Virginia (1)
  34. Sandy Brown of Michigan (7)
  35. Kelli Buback of Buback Gardens in Michigan (1)
  36. Budd Gardens of Canada (1)
  37. Clayton Burkey of Pennsylvania (1)
  38. Burles of England (1)
  39. Nancy Burlingame of New York (1)
  40. Dennis Burman (1)
  41. Ainee Busse of Busse Gardens in Minnesota (1)
  42. Patrick Butaye of Belgium (22)
  43. Dick Butler of Indiana (5)
  44. I. Byrd of North Carolina (1)


  1. Cady's Fall Nursery of Vermont (1)
  2. Carl Calderara of Rhode Island (2)
  3. Friedrich Camehl  of Germany (1)
  4. Margaret Campbell-Bauer of Illinois (1)
  5. Rob Canning of Michigan (1)
  6. Lillian Cannon of Illinois (1)
  7. Caprice Nursery of Oregon (2)
  8. Ellen Carder of Delaware (1)
  9. Julie Carlson of Northernair Hostas in Minnesota (49)
  10. Monty Carlson of Northernair Hostas in Minnesota (49)
  11. Kate Carpenter of North Carolina (5)
  12. Carter (1)
  13. Centerton Nursery of New Jersey (2)
  14. Jenny Cestero of Pennsylvania (1)
  15. Steve Chamberlain of New York (89)
  16. Channing (1)
  17. Mary Chastain of Lakeside Acres Nursery in Tennessee (222)
  18. Beth Chatto of England (3)
  19. Joe Chaulk of Amity Farm Hostas and Shade Perennials in Ohio (1)
  20. Sarah Chaulk  of Amity Farm Hostas and Shade Perennials in Ohio (1)
  21. Chelsea Physic Garden in England (1)
  22. Bernard Chodyla of Florida (1)
  23. Dave Chopko of New Jersey (14)
  24. John Christensen of New Jersey (2)
  25. Ian Chrystal of England (11)
  26. Rob Claeys of Michigan (1)
  27. Larry Clements of Iowa (1)
  28. John Clifford of Michigan (5)
  29. Faye Coble of Missouri (1)
  1. Lori Coffman of Indiana (1)
  2. June Colley of England (28)
  3. Gordon Collier of New Zealand (1)
  4. Steve Compton of Minnesota (1)
  5. Alleyne Cook of Canada (1)
  6. Wayne Cook of Missouri (1)
  7. Violet Cooley of Arkansas (2)
  8. Roger Cornitensis of Belgium (5)
  9. Robert Cory of Cory's Wildflower Garden in Ohio (2)
  10. Lyle Courtice of Canada (1)
  11. Donna Courtney of Michigan (1)
  12. Lee Couture of Maine (3)
  13. Angie Cox of Wisconsin (1)
  14. Scott Crabb of Indiana (3)
  15. Jack E. Craig (2)
  16. Cheryl Cravino of HostaAmour nursery in New Hampshire (1)
  17. Creative Gardens of Minnesota (1)
  18. John Creech of Washington D.C. (1)
  19. Clyde Crockett of Indiana (22)
  20. Harold Cross of Crossview Gardens in Vermont (1)
  21. Leila Cross of Crossview Gardens in Vermont (1)
  22. Peter Cross of Missouri (15)
  23. Allen Rick Crowder of Hawksridge Farms in North Carolina (1)
  24. M. Crowl of Nebraska (1)
  25. Walter Cullerton of Pennsylvania (6)
  26. Alex Cumming of Connecticut (1)
  27. J. Bruce Cumpson of Hosta Choice Gardens in Canada (2)
  28. L. Cunningham of Illinois (1)
  29. Curtis (1)
  30. Kathy Cyriacks of Minnesota (1)


  1. Sigrid Dalgaard of Minnesota (1)
  2. Jim Dalton of New York (19)
  3. Meg Dalton of New York (19)
  4. Mike Dammen of in Minnesota (6)
  5. K. Danik of Pennsylvania (1)
  6. Robert Danik of Pennsylvania (2)
  7. Sarah DaPra of Michigan (4)
  8. D. Darr of Ohio (1)
  9. Walt Daughenbaugh of Pennsylvania (2)
  10. Marie-José Dautzenberg of the Netherlands (2)
  11. Theo Dautzenberg of the Netherlands (2)
  12. LeRoy Davidson of Washington (5)
  13. Art Davis (1)
  14. Fred Davis of Maine (1)
  15. Rhonda Davis of Illinois (1)
  16. Roy Davis of Illinois (1)
  17. Robert Dawber of New Zealand (2)
  18. R. Daykin of England (1)
  19. Piet de Rooij of the Netherlands (22)
  20. Don Dean of Minnesota (109)
  21. John Dearborn of England (1)
  22. John Deardon of England (1)
  23. Emile Deckert of Nature's Way Nursery in Maryland (13)
  24. Jane Deckert of Nature's Way Nursery in Maryland (13)
  25. Mike Deeds of Iowa (1)
  1. Brenda Demetriou of Ohio (1)
  2. John Demetriou of Ohio (1)
  3. K. Desgranges of Germany
  4. H. Deshane of Ohio (1)
  5. Rik Desmedt of Georgia (8)
  6. Ariel Diaz of Michigan (1)
  7. Bernie Diesen of Nebraska (8)
  8. Jane Diesen of Nebraska (8)
  9. Debbie Dietrich of Illinois (1)
  10. Martin Dietwyler of Switzerland (1)
  11. Jim Dishon of Michigan (17)
  12. Sally Doggett of Ohio (1)
  13. Thomas Donahue of Massachusetts (4)
  14. George Donsky of New York (8)
  15. Chuck Doughty of Cochato Nursery in Massachusetts (5)
  16. Bill Dove of Indiana (2)
  17. Wanda Dove of Indiana (2)
  18. Ronald Dow of Maine (1)
  19. Gerald Draheim of Michigan  (1)
  20. Glen Draper of Utah (4)
  21. Jack Dreessen of Iowa (3)
  22. R. Drury of Ontario, Canada (1)
  23. Kath Dryden of England (1)
  24. Robyn Duback of Washington (12)
  25. Mary Jo Duncan of Minnesota (5)
  26. Dirk Dupré of Belgium (22)
  27. Dutch Hosta Society of The Netherlands (1)
  28. Kay Dye of Illinois (12)


  1. Alan Eason of England (3)
  2. S. Eason of North Carolina (1)
  3. Mervin Eisel of Minnesota (6)
  4. Kevin Elchuk of Canada (4)
  5. Olga Elchuk of Canada (4)
  6. Paul Ellerbroek of Iowa (2)
  7. Gavin Ellis of England (1)
  8. Bob Ellison of Illinois (2)
  9. Craig Ellyson of Ohio (1)
  10. Dr. Ed Elslager of Michigan (253)
  11. Eminence Meadows in New York (1)
  1. Karen Engel of Washington (2)
  2. Tim England of Illinois (8)
  3. Adolph Engler of Germany (2)
  4. Larry Englerth of Michigan (10)
  5. Manfred Entemann of Germany (13)
  6. Harold Epstein of New York (4)
  7. Marsha Axmear Erb of Iowa (26)
  8. Franz Erbler of Austria  (1)
  9. Pam Erikson of Erikson's Daylily Garden British Columbia, Canada (2)
  10. Volker Eschenbach of Planwerk  Staudengärtnerei in Germany (16)

  1. Serge Fafard of Les Jardins Osiris in Canada (22)
  2. B.E.H. Fägerstrom of Finland (1)
  3. Clarence Falstad, III of Michigan (21)
  4. Ann Farmer of North Carolina (1)
  5. Fernwood Nursery & Gardens of Maine (1)
  6. Chuck Finke of Wisconsin (10)
  7. Dr. Ullrich Fischer of Germany (12)
  8. A. Fisher of England (1)
  9. Eunice V. Fisher of Wisconsin (50)
  10. Richard Flink of Missouri (1)
  11. Karl Foerster of Germany (1)
  12. Mary Ford of Park Green Nurseries in England  (16)
  13. Richard Ford of Park Green Nurseries in England  (16)
  14. Eugene Foster of New York (3)
  15. C. Foughty of Michigan (1)
  16. Bob Fox of Fox Hosta Farm of Indiana (11)
  1. G. Fox of Fox Hosta Farm of Indiana (3)
  2. Leola Fraim of Brookwood Gardens in Massachusetts (1)
  3. Carl Francis of New York (1)
  4. James Frankenberger of Illinois (1)
  5. Richard Franks of North Carolina (2)
  6. Joyce Fransen of Fransen Hostas in the Netherlands (79)
  7. Marco Fransen of Fransen Hostas in the Netherlands (141)
  8. Leslie Fraser (1)
  9. Ken Frederick of Minnesota (1)
  10. Ann Frederking of Canada (7)
  11. Judy Freedman (1)
  12. Franc Freeman of Iowa (61)
  13. Sally Freeman of Iowa (21)
  14. Jamie Freers (1)
  15. Judi Frost of Ohio (1)
  16. Dr Noboru Fujita of Japan (5)
  17. Fukano of Japan (1)
  18. Shinya Fukatsu of Japan (12)

  1. Robert Gabarkeiwicz of Bea Ornamental Nursery in Poland (1)
  2. Carel Gaede of Indiana (1)
  3. Susan Gaede of Indiana (1)
  4. Terry Gage of Michigan (1)
  5. John Gamradt of Minnesota (6)
  6. Gailbrath Gardens of Washington (1)
  7. Richard Garbe of Wisconsin (1)
  8. Gardenview Horticultural Park of Ohio (2)
  9. Judith Gasparino of Connecticut (1)
  10. Jeanie Geers of Dry Creek Hostas in Iowa (2)
  11. Jerry Geers of Dry Creek Hostas in Iowa (2)
  12. Julia Geissler of Nebraska (9)
  13. Arthur George of Hydon Nurseries in England  (5)
  14. Ellen German (1)
  15. Andrea Geske of Geske Gardens in Wisconsin (1)
  16. Bob Geske of Geske Gardens in Wisconsin (4)
  17. Justin Geske of Geske Gardens in Wisconsin (3)
  18. K. Giese of Wisconsin (2)
  19. Michael Giese of Wisconsin (2)
  20. Madelon Gilligan of New Zealand (66)
  21. Tom Goad of Ohio (2)
  1. John Goater of England (1)
  2. Digs Godfrey-Smith of Canada (1)
  3. James Goffery of New York (3)
  4. Ken-ichi Gonokami in Japan (6)
  5. T. Goodale of Canada (1)
  6. Rick Goodenough of Massachusetts (129)
  7. Jack Goodman of New Jersey (4)
  8. Jonathon Goodrich of Wisconsin (7)
  9. Randy Goodwin of Indiana (239)
  10. Gary Gossett of Oregon (3)
  11. Hideko Gowen of Minnesota (17)
  12. Denis Grande of Minnesota (1)
  13. Vivian Grapes of Nebraska (5)
  14. Butch Graves of Ohio (22)
  15. Gray & Cole Nursery of Massachusetts (1)
  16. Green Mountain Hosta of Vermont (12)
  17. Diana Grenfell of Applegate Court Garden & Nursery in England  (13)
  18. Mike Groothuis of Michigan (6)
  19. Roger Grounds of England (2)
  20. John J. Grullemans of Ohio (5)
  21. Christopher Gussman of New Jersey (1)

  1. J. Hack of Indiana (1)
  2. Robert Hackbarth of The Hosta Leaf in Colesburg, Iowa (33)
  3. Jerry Hadrava of Iowa (147)
  4. Hagi of Japan (1)
  5. Eigon Hagiwara of Japan (1)
  6. Carole Hajnosz of New York (1)
  7. Dennis Hale (1)
  8. Peter Hall of England (1)
  9. Steve Hamblin of Ohio (1)
  10. Carolyn Hamilton of Iowa (1)
  11. Roger Hammond of England (1)
  12. Clarence Hanna of Ohio (5)
  13. Hans Hansen of Minnesota or Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens, Inc. in Michigan (119)
  14. Hans Ejler Hansen of Hosta Danmark in Denmark (1)
  15. Jan Hurup Hansen of Denmark (35)
  16. Laura Clark-Hansen of Iowa  (1)
  17. Curt Hanson of Crintonic Gardens in Ohio (5)
  18. HarkAway Botanicals of Canada (1)
  19. Dennis Harle of Wisconsin (2)
  20. Ken Harris of Illinois (2)
  21. Robert Harris of Georgia (2)
  22. Dr Jamison Harrison of Massachusetts (5)
  23. Gretchen Harshbarger of Iowa (9)
  24. Carolyn Harstad of Indiana (3)
  25. Jim Hartmann of Minnesota (5)
  26. Janet Harvey of Wisconsin (1)
  27. Allen Haskell of Massachusetts (2)
  28. Allen Haskins of Canada (1)
  29. Handy Hatfield of Ohio (11)
  30. Robert Hatt of Massachusetts (6)
  31. J. Hauser of Virginia (1)
  32. Jim Hawes of Maryland (24)
  33. Gerardus Heemskerk of Heemskerk Vaste Planten in the Netherlands (48)
  34. Dan Heims of Terra Nova Nurseries in Oregon (10)
  35. Gene Heinemann of Iowa (1)
  36. Gretchen Heinke of Ohio (1)
  37. David Heinz of Michigan (4)
  38. Jim Heinz of Iowa (2)
  39. Virginia Heller of Michigan (1)
  40. Walt Helmick of Illinois (1)
  41. Calvin Helsley of Missouri (12)
  42. Bob Hendrickson of Nebraska  (1)
  43. Paul Henjum of Minnesota (4)
  44. Karel Hensen of the Netherlands (11)
  1. Kees Henzen of the Netherlands (1)
  2. Robert Herman of Connecticut (2)
  3. Pieter Hermens of the Netherlands (2)
  4. Glenn Herold of Illinois (4)
  5. Roy Herold of Massachusetts (31)
  6. Ken Herrema of Michigan (5)
  7. Don Herzog of California (2)
  8. Tracy Heuermann of Illinois (1)
  9. S. Hewes of New York (1)
  10. Gerry Hicks of Maine (14)
  11. Higaki of Japan (1)
  12. Hillier Nursery of England (1)
  13. Hill's Nursery and Greenhouse of Georgia (1)
  14. Dr. Shuichi Hirao of Japan (12)
  15. Bob Hird of Iowa (4)
  16. Yoshimichi Hirose of Japan (7)
  17. Liselotte Hirsbrunner of Switzerland (9)
  18. Hisashi of Japan (1)
  19. Paula Hiselman of Michigan (1)
  20. Mrs Elliot Hodgkin of England (1)
  21. D. Hodgson of Canada (1)
  22. Linda Hofer of Antioch Farms in Ohio (3)
  23. Paul Hofer of Antioch Farms in Ohio (5)
  24. Harry Hoks of Minnesota (3)
  25. "Holland" (2)
  26. Cornelia Holland of Tennessee (2)
  27. Gladys Holly of Wisconsin (11)
  28. Holmes (1)
  29. Homestead Seed Bank of Ohio (1)
  30. Honda of Japan (2)
  31. Walt Hoover of Wisconsin (2)
  32. Horinaka of Japan (2)
  33. Bill Horn of Illinois (1)
  34. Lori Horn (1)
  35. Kathy Hornbaker of Illinois (1)
  36. Rich Hornbaker of Illinois (1)
  37. Hortico Nursery of Canada (1)
  38. Brent Horvath of Illinois (2)
  39. Hosta Choice Gardens of Ontario, Canada (1)
  40. Les Hottovy of Beyond Green LLC in Oregon (3)
  41. Steve Hottovy of Beyond Green LLC in Oregon (3)
  42. House of Hostas in Wisconsin (1)
  43. Jere Housworth of Holiday Seeds, Stone Mountain, Georgia  (19)
  44. Dennis Hovekamp of Kentucky (1)
  45. Roger Hunt of England (1)
  46. D. Hurlbert of Ohio (1)
  47. Jim Husemann of Iowa (23)
  48. Graham Hutchins of England (1)
  49. Dr. Nils Hylander of Sweden (15)
  50. Jay Hyslop of Oregon (2)


  1. Toyokazu Ichie of Japan (2)
  2. Imperial Botanic Garden of Tokyo (1)
  3. Indiannapolis Hosta Society  (2)
  1. Inniswood Metro Botanical Garden of Ohio (2)
  2. Charles Isaacs of Moongate Farm in North Carolina (5)
  3. Ron Iverson of Iverson's Perennials in Illinois (1)


  1. Janet Starns Nursery in Oregon (1)
  2. Bill Janssen of Collector's Nursery in Washington (40)
  3. Dave Jennings of Glenville Gardens in New York (5)
  4. Klaus Jentsch of Staudengärtnerei (Perennial Nursery) Jentsch in Germany (50)
  5. Bettie Jernigan of Jernigan Gardens in North Carolina (3)
  6. Eddie Johns of New Zealand (2)
  7. Arthur Johnson of Minnesota (1)
  8. Greg Johnson of Iowa (51)
  9. Irwin Johnson of Wisconsin (6)
  1. Robert Johnson of Massachusetts (1)
  2. Ross Johnson of Minnesota (2)
  3. Suzy Johnson of Minnesota (1)
  4. Thomas Johnson of Sebright Gardens in Oregon (1)
  5. Thomas Jolliffe of England (14)
  6. C.L. Jones of Ohio (1)
  7. Dr. Leonard Jones of North Carolina (17)
  8. Dr. Lloyd (Gil) Jones of Michigan (27)
  9. Dr Samuel Jones Jr of Piccadilly Farm Nursery and Gardens in Georgia (6)
  10. Joy Creek Nursery of Oregon (1)
  11. Felix Jury of New Zealand (3)

  1. Kajigawa of Japan (1)
  2. Gayle Kamp of Indiana (10)
  3. Steve Karbula of Ohio (2)
  4. Jolanta Karcz (1)
  5. Kiyoshi Kato of Japan (2)
  6. Koshi Katsuya of Japan (1)
  7. Reginald Kaye of Germany (1)
  8. Phyllis Kedl of Minnesota (9)
  9. Bob Keller of White Oak Nursery in Illinois (8)
  10. E. Kelley
  11. Carl Kemm (1)
  12. Jeff Kerr of Iowa (7)
  13. Myrtle Kiehne of Minnesota (2)
  14. Pola Kijānska of Poland (3)
  15. Kim & Lee (1)
  16. Roger Kinchen of New Hampshire (3)
  17. Gladys King of Wisconsin (7)
  18. Herb King of Wisconsin (157)
  19. Jim King of Washington (3)
  20. Kingwood Center of Ohio (1)
  21. Eric Kinman of Starks Nursery in Iowa (1)
  22. Ed Kipplen of Ohio (1)
  23. Andreas Kirschenlohr of Staudengärtnerei Kirschenlohr nursery in Germany (4)
  24. Anita Kistler of Pennsylvania (1)
  25. Mr. Kitahara of Japan (1)
  26. Richard Kitchingman of England (1)
  27. Pieter Klapwijk of Canada (3)
  28. Roy Klehm of Illinois (18)
  29. Luc Klinkhamer of the Netherlands (4)
  30. Minnie Klopping of Nebraska (4)
  31. Heinz Klose of Staudengärtnerei Klose in Germany (59)
  32. B. Klotz of Dogtown Farms in Ohio (7)
  33. Ruby Klotz of Dogtown Farms in Ohio (15)
  1. Ann Knall of Indiana (1)
  2. Ken Knechtel of Rainforest Gardens in Canada  (2)
  3. Brian Kniffin of Hostas on the Bluff in Missouri (1)
  4. Uwe Knopnadel of Germany (1)
  5. Rene Knoppert of the Netherlands (1)
  6. Linda Kofstad of Minnesota (1)
  7. Fritz Köhlein of Germany (27)
  8. Mike Koller of Minnesota (1)
  9. Tim Kordner of Minnesota (1)
  10. Korean National Arboretum (1)
  11. Harini Korlipara of Oregon (1)
  12. Lehel Kósa of Sweden (5)
  13. Kosasa of Japan (4)
  14. Joanna Kovalcsik of Michigan (19)
  15. Carole Koza of New York (2)
  16. Christian Kress of Germany (1)
  17. Barrie Kridler of Ohio (2)
  18. Kurt Kriefall of Minnesota
  19. Gus Krossa of Michigan (27)
  20. Fran Krueger of Hollywood Bob's Hosta Farm in Wisconsin (10)
  21. Michael Krueger of Hollywood Bob's Hosta Farm in Wisconsin (10)
  22. George Kruer of Delaware (8)
  23. Nancy Krul of Belle Gardens in Michigan (21)
  24. Francis Kruse of Wisconsin (1)
  25. Rod Kuenster of Iowa (230)
  26. Bob Kuk of Kuk's Forest in Ohio  (71)
  27. John Kulpa of Michigan (16)
  28. Toshikuni Kumagae of Japan (1)
  29. J. Kuntz of Illinois (2)
  30. Tsuneo Kurasawa of Japan (1)
  31. Mark Kurasz of Wisconsin (1)
  32. Kuroishi Wildflower Farm of Japan (1)
  33. Charles Kwick of Wisconsin (157)


  1. Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts (87)
  2. Wm Lachman of Massachusetts (86)
  3. Philip Laible of North Carolina (1)
  4. Michael Laico of South Carolina (3)
  5. Irene Lalonde of Washington (1)
  6. Johann Lambrichts of Germany (1)
  7. Robert Lamlein of Ohio (1)
  8. Lamrock's Country Garden of Canada (1)
  9. Henry Landis of Canada (3)
  10. Olive Bailey Langdon of Alabama (2)
  11. Richard Langfelder of Ohio (1)
  12. Clarence Lantis of Delaware (4)
  13. Kim Larsen of Minnesota (5)
  14. Robert Lasek of Canada (3)
  15. Lauman (3)
  16. Lavender of England (1)
  17. Marc Laviana of Sunny Border Nurseries in Connecticut (8)
  18. Jong-Suk Lee of Korea (4)
  19. Wyatt Lefever of North Carolina  (5)
  20. Dick Lehman of Minnesota (3)
  21. Paul Lehnard of Michigan (1)
  22. Jonathan Lehrer of Connecticut (2)
  23. Paula Lehtola of Massachusetts (2)
  24. Bart Leuckx of Belgium (7)
  25. Max Levy of Delaware (1)
  26. Melissa Levy of Delaware (1)
  1. Lewis (1)
  2. Alan Lewis of England  (8)
  3. C. Lewis of Ohio (1)
  4. Theo Leydens of the Netherlands (3)
  5. Haitao Li of China (4)
  6. Susan Lichacz of Michigan (4)
  7. Richard Lighty of Pennsylvania (2)
  8. Jan Liley of New Zealand (1)
  9. Jeroen Linneman of the Netherlands (264)
  10. Martin Linnenschmidt of Germany (1)
  11. Philip Lisik of Michigan (2)
  12. Donghuan Liu of Beijing, China (7)
  13. Zhiyang Liu of China (6)
  14. Ron Livingston of Michigan (189)
  15. Mikky Lockwood of Georgia (2)
  16. Doug Lohman of Lohman's Feed Store & Garden Center in Ohio (7)
  17. Martin Lokies of Germany (6)
  18. Longmuir (1)
  19. Longwood Gardens of Pennsylvania (1)
  20. Kenny Love of Ohio (1)
  21. Ernest Lunsford, Jr. of Georgia (2)
  22. Ran Lydell of Cooks Nursery and Eagle Bay Gardens in New York (127)
  23. Patrick Lydon of Illinois (4)
  24. P. Lynch of Maryland (2)
  25. Rod Lysne of Northern Grown Perennials in Wisconsin (41)


  1. John Machen of Virginia (9)
  2. Carl Mack of Illinois (5)
  3. Dr. Fumio Maekawa of Japan (19)
  4. Guy Maillot of France (1)
  5. Hans-Henning Maindok of Creative  Gartenplanung in Germany (5)
  6. Mark Malaguerra of Georgia (1)
  7. Alex Malloy of New York (337)
  8. Tony Malloy of New York (1)
  9. John Mann Jr of New Hampshire (1)
  10. Eric Marcelle of The Plantscapers in Wisconsin (1)
  11. Sandie Markland of Virginia (3)
  12. Andy Marlow of Michigan (1)
  13. Lillian Maroushek of Minnesota (9)
  14. Bud Martin of Georgia (4)
  15. Maria Martinez of Michigan (1)
  16. Walter Marx of Marx's Garden in Oregon (1)
  17. Hiroshi Masoka of Japan (1)
  18. Maurice Mason of England (1)
  19. Nagao Matsubayashi of Japan (1)
  20. Mrs J.W. Matthews of New Zealand (1)
  21. Sheila Matthews of Missouri (2)
  22. Maxted of England (1)
  23. Arne Maynard of England (1)
  24. D. McAfee of Indiana (1)
  25. Jim McBurney of Iowa (3)
  26. Lois McBurney of Iowa (3)
  27. Betty McBurnie of England (1)
  28. Graham McBurnie of England (1)
  29. Allan McConnell of Massachusetts  (1)
  30. Gary McDermott of England  (1)
  31. Harold McDonell of Georgia  (17)
  32. Molly McElwee of New York  (2)
  33. Ed McHugh of New Jersey (19)
  34. Cindy McWilliams of Minnesota (1)
  35. Robb McWilliams of Minnesota  (5)
  36. Stan Megos of Connecticut (3)
  37. O. Meissner of New York (5)
  38. Richard Merritt of New Hampshire Hostas in New Hampshire (2)
  39. Mary Ann Metz of Illinois (1)
  40. Clark David. Metzger of Virginia (1)
  41. Bill Meyer of New Jersey & Connecticut (67)
  42. Gerry Meyer of Turkey Run Hostas in Minnesota (2)
  43. Jean Meyer of Turkey Run Hostas in Minnesota (2)
  44. Roxanne Meyer of Iowa (2)
  45. Terry Meyer of Wisconsin (2)
  46. Dr. Miazawa of Japan (1)
  47. Tom Micheletti of the Hosta Patch in Illinois (10)
  1. Middle Tennessee Hosta Society (1)
  2. Marc Milbradt of Minnesota (4)
  3. Hank Milhorn of Ohio (6)
  4. Jane Milhorn of Ohio (6)
  5. Dorothy Miller of Indiana (1)
  6. Jeff Miller of Land of the Giants Hosta Farm in Wisconsin (105)
  7. Lynda Miller of Indiana (1)
  8. Roger Miller of Indiana (1)
  9. Terry Miller of Wisconsin (1)
  10. Robin Milton of Mickfield Hostas in Suffolk, England (1)
  11. Yvonne Milton of Mickfield Hostas in Suffolk, England (1)
  12. Eldren Minks of Fairway Enterprises in Minnesota (69)
  13. Nancy Minks of Fairway Enterprises in Minnesota (1)
  14. Minnesota Hosta Society (1)
  15. Vladimir Mirka of the Czech Republic (72)
  16. Missouri Botanical Gardens (1)
  17. Bill Mitchell of Pennsylvania (4)
  18. J. Mitchell of Vermont (1)
  19. Steve Moldovan of Moldovan Gardens in Ohio  (28)
  20. Molter Nurseries of the Netherlands (1)
  21. Manfred Mondt of Ohio (3)
  22. Monrovia Nursery of California (3)
  23. John Montgomery of Ambrosia Gardens (formerly Monashee Perennials) in Canada (1)
  24. Montreal Botanical Gardens  (4)
  25. Betty Moore of Georgia (1)
  26. Ernest Moore of Georgia (2)
  27. Jeff Moore of Wisconsin (113)
  28. T. Moore (1)
  29. Pat Mora of Missouri (1)
  30. Julie Morss of England (1)
  31. Rob Mortko of Made in the Shades Gardens in Kansas (10)
  32. Barbara Morzajew of Wisconsin (2)
  33. Arthur Mraz of Maine (1)
  34. Joy Mullin of Iowa (3)
  35. Mark Mulzer of Wisconsin (2)
  36. Jim Munson of Michigan (1)
  37. Munton's Microplants in England (1)
  38. Takashi Muroi of Japan (1)
  39. Kimio Muroya of Japan  (4)
  40. Jerry Murray of New York (1)
  41. Don Musak of Illinois (1)
  42. Hermann Mȕssel of Germany (3)
  43. Dan Myers of Michigan (1)
  44. Gary Myers of Wisconsin (3)
  45. Deborah Myrick of HostaAmour in New Hampshire


  1. Toyozo Nakayama of Tenjin Yama Bunen Nursery in Japan (5)
  2. Cindy Nance of Illinois (1)
  3. Bill Nash of Canada  (7)
  4. Naylor Creek Nursery of Washington (24)
  5. N. Nelson of Michigan (1)
  6. NEO Plants Ltd of England  (3)
  7. Elizabeth Nesmith of Fairmount Gardens in Massachusetts (9)
  1. New Hampshire Gardens in New Hampshire (1)
  2. Niche Gardens of North Carolina (1)
  3. Mrs O'Rourke Nieman (1)
  4. Nigishi of Japan (1)
  5. Bill Nixon of Massachusetts (1)
  6. Coletta Noffsinger of Virginia (1)
  7. Northern Illinois Hosta Society (2)
  8. Notcutts Garden Centres in England (1)
  9. Frank Nyikos of Walnut Grove Nursery in Indiana  (41)


  1. Carol O'Brien (1)
  2. John O'Brien of O’Brien Nurserymen in Connecticut (12)
  3. Donald O'Donnell Sr. of Minnesota (1)
  4. Russ O'Harra of Iowa (46)
  5. Russ O'Harra Hosta Society of Iowa (6)
  6. Dr. Bob Olson of Minnesota (6)
  7. Maggie Olson of Minnesota (1)
  8. Tom Olson of Minnesota (1)
  9. Onoda of Japan (3)
  1. Ontario Hosta Society in Canada (7)
  2. Oofuna Botanical Garden of Japan (1)
  3. John Orlando of New York (9)
  4. Vera Osbourne of England (1)
  5. Piet Oudolf of the Netherlands (4)
  6. Martin Overhiser of Michigan (9)
  7. Clarence Owens of Michigan (42)
  8. Jean Owens of Illinois (3)
  9. William Owens of Illinois (3)


  1. Glen Pace of Michigan (1)
  2. Ernst Pagels of Germany (1)
  3. D. Pallone of Ohio (1)
  4. Palmer (1)
  5. Lady Anne Palmer of England (1)
  6. Nicci Panatera (1)
  7. David Parks of Massachusetts (5)
  8. Phil Parsons of Ohio (1)
  9. Russ Parsons of Maryland (1)
  10. Olive Pauley of Indiana (1)
  11. Frank Payne of  Piedmont Gardens in Connecticut (1)
  12. Henry Payne of  Piedmont Gardens in Connecticut  (6)
  13. Sandra Pedrick of Indiana (1)
  14. P. Peterzen of Minnesota (1)
  15. Glen Pether of England (4)
  16. Olga Petryszyn of Indiana (35)
  17. Hugo Philips of Belgium (49)
  18. Leonard Phillips of Massachusetts (1)
  19. Piedmont Gardens of Connecticut  (1)
  20. Robert Pierson of Illinois (2)
  1. Jeff Pinder of Hutton Hostas in England (2)
  2. Michael Pinterics of Wisconsin (4)
  3. Maria Plater-Zyberk of Delaware (13)
  4. Chuck Plemmons of North Carolina (2)
  5. Neal Pohlman of Nebraska (1)
  6. Ali Pollock of Delaware (4)
  7. David Poos of Missouri (1)
  8. Irene Pope of Indiana (1)
  9. Linda Port of Illinois (7)
  10. Peter Postlewaite of Illinois (9)
  11. C. Potts of Surrey, England (2)
  12. Preben Poulsgaard of Denmark (2)
  13. Loleta Powell of Powell's Iris Haven in North Carolina  (21)
  14. Mary Pratt of Illinois (2)
  15. Richard Prochaska of Minnesota (1)
  16. Richard Proctor of England (2)
  17. Sue Proctor of England (2)
  18. Punnett (1)
  19. Dr. Charles Purtymun of Walden West in Oregon (57)
  20. Owen Purvis of Elim Hosta Gardens in Wisconsin (18)
  21. Sue Purvis of Elim Hosta Gardens in Wisconsin (13)


  1. Yanting Qu of China (1)


  1. Herman Rabinau of New York (1)
  2. Franz Radzicki of Germany (1)
  3. Butch Ragland of Indiana (3)
  4. Gerhard Ragus of Germany (13)
  5. Renate Ragus of Germany (13)
  6. Lora Rahe of Minnesota (1)
  7. Reldon Ramsey of Iowa (3)
  8. Stefan Rank of Austria (9)
  9. Rassmann  (2)
  10. George Rassmussen of New York (5)
  11. Don Rawson of Michigan (32)
  12. Graham Ray of North Carolina (1)
  13. Dr. David Reath of Michigan (7)
  14. Hugh Redgrove of New Zealand  (1)
  15. Werner Reinermann of the Netherlands (2)
  16. Mary Kay Remschneider of Indiana (1)
  17. Laurence Reuter of New Zealand (1)
  18. Patty Richter of Minnesota (1)
  19. Dennis Ricketts of Avalon Acres Hostas & More in Illinois (1)
  20. Frank Riehl of Iowa (6)
  21. Kathy Ripperger of Iowa (1)
  1. Allen Ritchey of Wisconsin (2)
  2. Mark Roberts of England (2)
  3. Earl Roberts (1)
  4. Rocknell Nursery of Ohio (3)
  5. Allan Rogers of Caprice Farm Nursery of Oregon (1)
  6. Floyd Rogers of Illinois  (6)
  7. Bernhard Röllich of Germany (1)
  8. Dan Romenesko of Delaware (1)
  9. Andi Roozekrans of the Washington (2)
  10. Marlene Rosenberg of Unique Hostas in Wisconsin (9)
  11. Rosie's Gardens in Indiana (1)
  12. Henry Ross of Gardenview Horticultural Park in Ohio (6)
  13. Richard Rossing of Minnesota (3)
  14. Brian Roston  of Missouri (1)
  15. Denis Rouillier of Design-Scapes in Massachusetts (12)
  16. Thelma Rudolph of Illinois (5)
  17. Bonnie Ruetenik of Ohio (1)
  18. Doug Ruff of Minnesota (14)
  19. Jean Ruh of Sunnybrook Farms in Ohio (90)
  20. Peter Ruh of Sunnybrook Farms in Ohio (449)
  21. Tim Ruh of Ohio (1)
  22. Dave Russo of New Jersey (6)
  23. Ryan of Michigan (1)


  1. Sakata of Japan (1)
  2. Masaru Sakurai of Japan (1)
  3. Eric M. Sal of Michigan (1)
  4. Nancy Salamon of Ohio (1)
  5. Bob Sanders of Michigan (1)
  6. Matt Sanford of Connecticut (7)
  7. Vic Santa Lucia of North Carolina (4)
  8. Toshihiko Sataka of Japan (2)
  9. B. Saur of Ohio (1)
  10. Criste Sauve of Michigan (6)
  11. Timothy Savill of England (1)
  12. Dennis Savory of Savory's Gardens in Minnesota (29)
  13. Robert Savory of Savory's Gardens in Minnesota (65)
  14. Rick Sawyer of Fernwood Nursery and Gardens in Maine (18)
  15. Robert Schaeffer of Delaware (2)
  16. Alttara Scheer of Connecticut (39)
  17. Michael Schembs of Kansas (9)
  18. George Schenk of Ohio (2)
  19. Walter Schimana of Germany (3)
  20. Tom Schmid of Schmid Nursery in Michigan (19)
  21. W. George Schmid of Georgia (28)
  22. Bevie Schmidt of Michigan (20)
  23. Jon Schmidt of New York (2)
  24. Johannes Scholz of Germany (1)
  25. Barb Schroeder of Illinois (5)
  26. Bob  Schroeder of Illinois (5)
  27. Cathy Schuchert of Iowa (1)
  28. Dave Schulte of Minnesota (1)
  29. Don Schulte of Minnesota (1)
  30. Steve Schulte of Foxfire Gardens in Wisconsin (38)
  31. Ed Schulz of Iowa (67)
  32. Elsie Schulz of Iowa (1)
  33. Eberhard Schuster of Germany (1)
  34. Jim Schwarz of Jim's Hostas of Iowa (now owned by Uniquely Hostas of Wisconsin) (148)
  35. Karen Schwarz of Jim's Hostas of Iowa (now owned by Uniquely Hostas of Wisconsin) (24)
  36. Patricia Scolnik of Breeze Hill Plant Lab in North Carolina (8)
  37. Barbara Scott of Indiana (1)
  38. Bob Scott of Oklahoma (1)
  39. Ian Scroggy of Bali Hai Nursery in Northern Ireland (2)
  40. Rob Seale of Ohio (2)
  41. Charles Seaver of Delaware (18)
  42. Mildred Seaver of Massachusetts (123)
  43. Sebright Gardens of Oregon (7)
  44. D. Seitz of Pennsylvania (1)
  45. Traci Seltz from Granny T's Gardens in Iowa (2)
  46. Mr. Sekini of Japan (1)
  47. Van Sellers of North Carolina (10)
  48. Seneca Hill Perennials of New York (1)
  49. Viktoria Serafin of Glenbrook Farm in New York (27)
  50. Shades of Green Hosta Society in Minnesota (1)
  51. Kathy Guest Shadrack of New York (1)
  52. Mike Shadrack of New York (6)
  53. Shady Characters Nursery of South Carolina (2)
  54. Shady Oaks Nursery of Minnesota (21)
  55. Terry Shane  of Pennsylvania (1)
  56. Florence Shaw of Massachusetts (27)
  57. Toshiro Shimizu of Japan (5)
  58. Marianna Shkundina of New Jersey (1)
  59. John Shong (1)
  60. Steven Shrage (2)
  61. Janet Shugart of Nebraska (2)
  62. Bill Silvers of Silvers-Elbert Nursery in Georgia (37)
  63. Naomi Simes of Minnesota (1)
  64. Ron Simmering of Iowa (18)
  65. Dr. Hans Simon of Gärtnerei Simon in Germany (7)
  66. Lucille Simpers of Indiana (38)
  1. Mary Singer of Michigan (1)
  2. Kathie Sisson of Connecticut (16)
  3. Brian Skaggs of Indiana (45)
  4. Virginia Skaggs of Indiana (45)
  5. Ed Skrocki of Ohio (3)
  6. Skylands Nursery in New Jersey (2)
  7. Barry Sligh of Taunton Gardens in New Zealand (67)
  8. John J. Smead of Quest Creek in New York (2)
  9. Don Smetna of Washington (2)
  10. Eric Smith of England  (77)
  11. Fred Smith of Illinois (7)
  12. George Smith of England (1)
  13. Roger Smith of Pennsylvania (8)
  14. Scott Smith of Georgia (2)
  15. S.D. Smith of Michigan (7)
  16. Rob Sneyers of The Hosta Mill in Belgium (20)
  17. "Snyder" (1)
  18. Ron Snyder of Minnesota (39)
  19. Aneta Sobkowska-Dopieraia of Poland (1)
  20. Bob Solberg of Green Hill Farm in North Carolina  (158)
  21. Jim Soper of Kansas (1)
  22. Michael Soska (1)
  23. Jon Soucek of Ohio (2)
  24. Rachel Soucek of Ohio (7)
  25. Clarence Soules of Indiana  (7)
  26. Marjorie Soules of Indiana  (23)
  27. Unnamed from South Africa (2)
  28. Renaat Souvagie of Belgium (16)
  29. Josh Spece of In The Country Garden & Gifts in Iowa (5)
  30. Jim Spence of Canada (6)
  31. Eleanor (Ellie) Brinckherhoff Spingarn of New York (2)
  32. Judy Springer of Virginia (3)
  33. Jan Spruyt of the Netherlands (1)
  34. Keith Squires of Canada  (7)
  35. St. Louis Hosta Society of Missouri (1)
  36. Josh Stadden of Ohio (19)
  37. Dean Stark of Iowa (10)
  38. Gunther Stark of Stark Gardens in Iowa (10)
  39. Carl Starker of Oregon (2)
  40. R. Starr of New York (2)
  41. Bev Stegeman of Indiana (26)
  42. Dave Stegeman of Indiana (26)
  43. Ray Stephens of Georgia (18)
  44. Don Stevens of New York (1)
  45. Ralph Stever of Nebraska (1)
  46. "Stillwell" (1)
  47. Gary Stoddard of Ohio (1)
  48. David Stone of Connecticut (35)
  49. W. Stone of New York
  50. Mark Strandberg of Wisconsin (5)
  51. Bert Stankowski (1)
  52. Netta Stratham of England (1)
  53. Elizabeth Stratton of Iowa (5)
  54. John Stratton of Iowa (5)
  55. L. Strauch of Germany (1)
  56. Dr Jamie Street of Indiana (5)
  57. Dick Strub of Iowa (1)
  58. Louise Strub of Iowa (1)
  59. Bill Struhar of Michigan (6)
  60. Grace Sturtevant of Massachusetts (1)
  61. Patsy Stygall of Indiana (15)
  62. Natalee Suggs of Alabama (6)
  63. Hajime Sugita of Japan (49)
    - Hajime Sugita and Peter Ruh (38)
  64. Marcia Sully of New York (4)
  65. Alex Summers of Delaware (82)
  66. Sunny Border Nursery of Connecticut (1)
  67. Sunrise Greenhouse of Illinois  (1)
  68. Kichigoro Suzuki of Japan (4)
  69. Ursula Syre-Herz of Coastal Gardens in South Carolina (32)
  70. Peter Szustakiewicz of Poland (1)


  1. Takashima of Japan (2)
  2. Nagaori Takayanagi of Japan (1)
  3. Katsuyoshi Tanaka of Japan (9)
  4. J.C. Taylor (1)
  5. Richard Taylor of Indiana (1)
  6. David Teager of Pennsylvania (1)
  7. A. Temmer of Wisconsin
  8. Arli Temple of Missouri (2)
  9. Nick Ternes of Wisconsin (3)
  10. Kent Terpening of New York (34)
  11. Terra Nova Nurseries of Oregon (4)
  12. Richard Teslow of Illinois (2)
  13. Ed Thaubald of Bentley Gardens in Georgia (9)
  14. The Flower Factory in Wisconsin (1)
  15. Olga Thiemann from Illinois (3)
  16. Bryan Thomas of England (1)
  17. Criss Thompson of CR Hosta and Daylilies in Virginia (4)
  18. Rick Thompson of CR Hosta and Daylilies in Virginia (4)
  19. Steve Thompson of Thornhaven Nursery in Indiana (3)
  20. Barbara Tiffany of Pennsylvania (2)
  21. Phil Timm of Wisconsin (2)
  22. Roland Tisch of Michigan (3)
  1. Marion Tobey of New York (1)
  2. Cindy Tomashek of Minnesota (4)
  3. Chet Tompkins of Oregon (71)
  4. Cynthia Tompkins of Oregon (16)
  5. Andy Torvinen of Michigan (2)
  6. Dr. Alan Tower of Washington (8)
  7. Burton Trafton Jr of New Hampshire (1)
  8. Kurt Tramposch of Weir Gardens in Iowa (1)
  9. Bernie Treichel of Wisconsin (6)
  10. Joyce Trott of Iowa (1)
  11. Gary Trucks of Amber Waves Gardens in Michigan (19)
  12. Jeff Tucker of North Carolina (1)
  13. Jeffrey Tucker of Massachusetts (1)
  14. Charles Tuttle of Ohio (1)
  15. Dick Tyler of Pine Knot Farms Virginia (1)
  16. Judith Tyler of Pine Knot Farms Virginia (1)
  17. Stan Tylinski of New York (10)


  1. Senkichi Umezawa from Japan (2)
  2. Uniquely Hostas of Wisconsin (11)


  1. Caryl Vaillancourt of Canada (4)
  2. Van Bourgondien Nursery of The Netherlands (1)
  3. Jan van den Top of the Netherlands (140)
  4. Ignace van Doorsiaer of Belgium (1)
  5. Danny Van Eechaute of Belgium  (191)
  6. Gert van Eijk Bos of the Netherlands (5)
  7. Ranier van Elderen of the Netherlands (1)
  8. Tom Van Elst of Belgium (1)
  9. Dirk van Erven of the Netherlands (4)
  10. James Van Hoorn of Illinois (3)
  11. Ronny Van Keer of Belgium (41)
  12. John Van Ostrand of Illinois (18)
  13. Jannes van Rossum of the Netherlands (1)
  14. Arie van Vliet of De Heren C. Klijn en Co. in the Netherlands (2)
  15. Trudy Van Wyke of Iowa (23)
  16. Van Zyverden, Inc of the Netherlands (1)
  17. Gino Vandekinderen of Belgium (6)
  1. Mike Vasey of Ohio (6)
  2. Dr. Kevin Vaughn of Massachusetts (61)
  3. William Vaughn of Illinois (9)
  4. Gerrie Veenstra of the Netherlands (7)
  5. Linda C. Velderman of Michigan (1)
  6. Verboom (1)
  7. John Verkade of New Jersey (2)
  8. Mary Vertz of Wisconsin (15)
  9. Andre Viette of Virginia (6)
  10. Vilmorin et Andrieux of Canada (1)
  11. Rachael Vincun of Canada (7)
  12. Pat Vinish of Canada (1)
  13. Cees Visser of the Netherlands (4)
  14. Louis Vissers of Belgium (6)
  15. Vitro Westland Nursery of the Netherlands (1)
  16. Vogel (1)
  17. Jim Vrable of Michigan (1)


  1. Shirley Wade of Ohio (3)
  2. Van Wade of Wade and Gatton Nursery (Closed 2019) of Ohio (342)
  3. Anna Waffler of Minnesota (1)
  4. Steve Waffler of Minnesota (1)
  5. Wally Wagner of Oregon (2)
  6. Kevin Walek of Virginia (230)
    --Walek for Others (217)
  7. O. Walker of Surrey, England (2)
  8. Wallace (4)
  9. Walters Gardens, Inc. of Michigan (119)
  10. Wang, De Qun  of China (1)
  11. Jane Ward of Ohio (213)
  12. Dr. Dick Ward of Ohio (213)
  13. Piet Warmerdam of the Netherlands (9)
  14. Chick Wasitis of Bridgewood Gardens in Maryland (51)
  15. Hilda Wassmann of Ohio  (1)
  16. Kazuyuki Watanabe of Japan (2)
  17. Kenji Watanabe of Gotemba Nursery in Japan (45)
  18. Yoshifumi Watanabe of Japan (1)
  19. Steve Watson of Lily's Garden in Tennessee  (1)
  20. Wayside Gardens of Ohio (8)
  21. B. Webster of Wisconsin (1)
  22. Heinrich Wehrhan of Germany (1)
  23. Jim Weidman of Minnesota (1)
  24. Ray Weigand of Weigand's Nursery in Michigan (1)
  25. Jon Weirether of Pennsylvania (1)
  26. Sharon Weiss of Iowa (1)
  27. Henry Weissenberger of New York (13)
  28. Western New York Hosta Society (1)
  29. Klaus Werner of Germany (2)
  30. Colin West of England (1)
  31. Jim Westberg of Minnesota (7)
  32. Jeff A. Westendorp of Michigan (1)
  33. J. Wheat of Montana (1)
  34. Brian White of Brian White's Nursery in Tennessee (8)
  35. Dave White of Iowa (3)
  36. Jeff White of Iowa (10)
  37. M. White of Iowa (1)
  1. Peter White of Ohio (1)
  2. Milt Whitmer of Ohio (7)
  3. Bob Whitmore of Indiana (8)
  4. Michael Wickenden of England (3)
  5. Chris Wilhoite of Minnesota (1)
  6. Cynthia Wilhoite of Minnesota (1)
  7. Dr. Jim Wilkins of Michigan  (38)
  8. Jill Wilkins of Michigan (12)
  9. Sandy Wilkins of Michigan (8)
  10. Russ Willar of Canada (1)
  11. Lance Willett of Iowa (1)
  12. Jesse Willetts of Ohio (3)
  13. Michael Willetts (1)
  14. Andrew Williams of New Hampshire (2)
  15. Connie Williams of Massachusetts (9)
  16. Frances Williams of Massachusetts (30)
  17. Gerald Williams of Minnesota (1)
  18. Glenn Williams of Vermont (9)
  19. Ron Williams of House of Hostas in Wisconsin (2)
  20. Williams (No first name) (1)
  21. Audra Wilson of Iowa (4)
  22. Bob Wilson of Iowa (1)
  23. Chris Wilson of Hallson Gardens in Michigan (20)
  24. Glenn Wilson of Canada (1)
  25. Wisconsin Hosta Society (1)
  26. R. Wittebol of Belgium (2)
  27. J. Wittebol of Belgium (2)
  28. Witteman of the Netherlands (1)
  29. Gene Wogoman of Ohio (1)
  30. A. Wolfe of Iowa (1)
  31. Dan Wols of Illinois (33)
  32. Tony Wong of Nebraska (1)
  33. R. Woodford of Michigan (3)
  34. Fleeta Brownell Woodroffe of Iowa (6)
  35. Doyle Woods of Iowa (9)
  36. J. Worels of Minnesota (1)
  37. Tom Woszczyna of Michigan (1)
  38. Arthur Wrede of The Azalea Patch in Maryland (33)


  1. Suzzane Xavier-Sakr of Massachusetts (6)


  1. Yamamoto of Japan (1)
  2. Yantai Agricultural Science & Technical Institute of China (1)
  3. Barry Yinger of Asiatica Nursery in Pennsylvania (2)
  4. Yokoe of Japan (1)
  5. S. Yoshie of Japan (1)


  1. Herbert A. Zager of Iowa (16)
  2. Zelenka Nursery of Michigan (1)
  3. Beata Zglenicka of Poland (1)
  4. Xing Zhang of China (1)
  5. Ken Ziarek of Wisconsin (66)
  6. Rita Zidonis of Ohio (2)
  7. Wayne Zidonis of Ohio (2)
  8. Zieke (1)
  9. Mark Zilis of T&Z or Q&Z Nursery in Illinois (491)
  10. Sarah Zolock of Pennsylvania (49)
  1. Steve Zolock of Pennsylvania (49)
  2. Dr. Ben Zonneveld of the Netherlands (8)
  3. Dana Zubrik of the Slovak Republic (21)
  4. Milan Zubrik of the Slovak Republic (21)
  5. Hank Zumach of Wisconsin (2)
  6. Wm Zumbar of Ohio (46)
  7. Hannah B. Zwagerman of Michigan (1)
  8. Mary Zwagerman of Michigan (2)


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