is one of those cases where there are three hostas with the
same name. None are registered with
The American Hosta Society. The first one to be registered would
become the "official" hosta of that name and the
others would have to be renamed.

Maxine Armstrong of
Nebraska originated this
non-registered cultivar in the late 1960s. It is a
H. nakaiana seedling that grows
into a small size hosta about 8 inches in height and
2 feet in width. The leaves are slightly wavy with smooth
texture on the surface. It bears purplish flowers in July.
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'Sweetheart' (Armstrong)

According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "George
Schmid (1991) listed three different plants with this name,
but the only one I've ever seen in gardens came from
Maxine Armstrong. It forms a very dense mound of teardrop-shaped foliage and produces a good show
of purple flowers well above the foliage for the first two weeks of July."
mentioned above,
The Genus HOSTA by
W. George Schmid (1991) mentions two other cultivars of this name. One is an
capitata hybrid also called 'Wallace No. 31'
originated by "Wallace"
which is a medium size hosta about 12 inches high by
22 inches wide with medium green foliage. It bears
purple, bell shape flowers in July followed by
fertile seeds.
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'Sweetheart' (Wallace)
The Genus HOSTA by
W. George Schmid (1991) also
lists a cultivar by this name that is a clonal form
of H.
nakaiana or an F1
hybrid originated by "Lee".
Hosta Helper will call this plant
'Sweetheart' (Lee)
