This cultivar is a sibling of H. 'Sunny
Smiles'. It is a hosta of unidentified parentage originated by
Cynthia Tompkins around 1946. It was
registered on her behalf by
Peter and Jean Ruh of Ohio in 2002.
'Snowbound' is a medium
size (14 inches high by 39 inches wide) hosta with green
foliage that has a creamy yellow to white marginal
variegation. The leaves are ovate, moderately corrugated
and slightly wavy. Lavender flowers bloom in July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Cynthia Tompkins was way ahead of her time, considering
that 'Snowbound' and many of her other cultivars
predated the formation of
The American Hosta Society by more than thirty
years. In fact, one could make a case for her being
considered the first American hosta hybridizer. The only
difference between her and people like
Frances Williams,
Elizabeth Nesmith, and
Eunice Fisher was the lack of publicity for her
