An article by Rick Goodenough
of Massachusetts in
Hosta Journal (2012 Vol. 43 No. 1) states that, “Another
“borrowed” plant that I have been particularly pleased with is named ‘Red Legged
Plover’. I got the seed, which is out of ‘Katsuragawa Beni’ and a first
generation seedling of ‘Kokuryu’, through an exchange with
Jeff Moore…H. ‘Red
Legged Plover’ was the only yellow
viridescent seedling of the lot. It exhibits
some nicer-than-average burgundy-toned flowers which was one of Jeff’s
objectives for this cross.”
Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled,
A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term
beni as red or rouge and the the term -gawa or -kawa as river.
