Registered by Stuart Asch of Michigan in 2003, this
slow growing, upright cultivar is a hybrid of a seedling
of H. 'Dorothy Benedict'
which we called "Asch
Seedling HB1".
It is a large size plant about 28 inches high by 38
inches wide with intensely blue-green foliage that has
unstable creamy white streaked variegation.
The leaves
are broadly ovate to nearly round, heavily corrugated, slightly wavy and dull on top. Tubular flowers bloom from
mid-July into August on scapes 24 to 34 inches tall
followed by green or streaked seed pods. According to the registration materials: "...heavily corrugated nearly round, streaked
leaves with good substance..."
The originator made the following comment on the
Fraternal Order
of Seedy Fellows website: "An old beauty that grows
best in dappled early morning and setting sun. Large
heavily corrugated leaves the have irregular streaking.
The dark blue-green leaves are almost round and fold
down slightly at the tip."