This is a cultivar
introduced by Frances Williams of Massachusetts
in 1943 and registered on her behalf by
The American Hosta Society in 1986 as a hybrid of H. 'Decorata' × H. 'Fortunei'.
It forms a medium size (16 inches high) mound of dark green foliage which
spreads by rhizomes which makes it an excellent ground cover plant.
Light purple flowers bloom on many scapes per clump from July
into August.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...mainly of
historical interest, i.e., being from Frances
Williams and one of the first American hosta
cultivars, its rhizomatous habit lends itself to
ground cover usage."
is a hybrid with leaves like H. decorata (now H. 'Decorata')
and funnel-shaped lavender flowers like H. 'Fortunei'.
Leaf grey on back. Flowers in July."
