Registered by
Randy Goodwin of Indiana in
2017, this
cultivar is of unidentified parentage. It is a medium size
hosta about 14 inches high by 36 inches wide with dark
green foliage that has a wide, cream to white marginal
variegation. The leaves are slightly rippled, slightly
shiny on top, nearly round, slightly cupped and intensely
corrugated. Near white flowers with translucent margins
bloom from June into July on 18 to 24 inch tall scapes.
It sets viable seeds.
The registration
materials state: "...Nice contrast between the dark
green leaf center and the creamy edge, with ample
corrugation. Displays some splashing although not enough
to make it truly splashed...Emerges with yellow margins
that turn creamy to white later, center darkens as
season progresses."