No.Cultivar NameType of OriginMother/Pod Parentx Pollen ParentSourceBackground Information
1 'Dawn Light'Unknown - -Unknown(SAME.AS) 'Morning Light' (Probably) ++(INFO.SOURCE: MyHosta Database)
2 'First Light'Sport'Morning Light' -Philips, Hugo(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Fortunei', 'Fortunei Aureomarginata', 'Morning Light', 'Twilight'
3 'Morning Star'Sport'Anne' -Heemskerk, Gerardus(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Anne', 'Fortunei', 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Morning Light', 'Paradise Glory', 'St. Paul', STEAL THE LIMELIGHT
4 'Paradise Glory'Sport'Paul's Glory' -Fransen, Marco(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Fortunei', 'Paul's Glory', 'Perry's True Blue', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'American Glory Be', 'Morning Light', 'Morning Star', 'Pete's Passion', 'St. Paul', STEAL THE LIMELIGHT
5 'Revolution'Sport'Loyalist' -Van Eijk-Bos, Gert & Walters Gardens(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Fortunei', 'Francee', 'Loyalist', 'Patriot' ++(TYPE) 'Patriot' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Clifford's Comet', 'Fireworks', 'Morning Light'
6 'St. Paul'Sport'Paul's Glory' -Goad, Tom(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Fortunei', 'Paul's Glory', 'Perry's True Blue', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'American Glory Be', 'Lakeside Shore Master', 'Morning Light', 'Morning Star', 'Paradise Glory', 'Pete's Passion' STEAL THE LIMELIGHT
7 STEAL THE LIMELIGHTDuplicate - -TRADEMARK(SAME.AS) Trademark name used for 'Morning Light'
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