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No.Cultivar NameType of OriginPod or Sport Parentx Pollen ParentSource- - Hostas in the Genetic Background - -
1 'Audra's Expectations'TC Sport'Great Expectations' -Wilson, Audra(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Northern Lights'
2 'Beach Boy'Sport'Dream Weaver' -Heemskerk, Gerardus(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Weaver', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Great Expectations'
3 'Buffalo Bill'Sport'Great Expectations' -Zubrik, Dana & Zubrik, Milan(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
4 'China Gold'Hybrid'Great Expectations'UnknownGoodenough, Rick(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
5 'Collector's Dream'Sport'Dream Queen' -Janssen, Bill(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
6 'Dr Topper Hagerman'Hybrid'Great Expectations''Sagae'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', Hosta fluctuans, 'Great Expectations', 'Sagae', 'Sieboldiana'
7 'Dream Queen'TC Sport'Great Expectations' -Van den Top, Jan & The American Hosta Society(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Dream Weaver', 'Thunderbolt'
8 'Dream Weaver'Sport'Great Expectations' -Ruetenik, Bonnie & Walek, Kevin & The American Hosta Society(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Dream Queen', 'Thuderbolt'
9 'Fantastic Fulfillment'Sport'Great Expectations' -Summers, Alex(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
10 'Foxfire X-Philes'Sport'Great Expectations' -Schulte, Steve & Silvers, Bill(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.NAME) 'X Philes'
11 'Golden Great Expectations'TC Sport'Great Expectations' -Zilis, Mark(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.NAME) 'American Great Expectations', 'Great Expectations', 'Great Expectations Blue' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Golden Flame'
12 'Great American Expectations'Sport'Great Expectations' -Elslager, Ed & Wade, Van(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'J.D.'s Luck'
13 'Great Arrival'TC Sport'Great Expectations' -Zilis, Mark(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Paradise Expectations' ++(REVERSED FORM OF) 'Great Expectations'
14 'Great Surprise'Sport'Great Expectations' -Unknown(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
15 'Great White Way'Hybrid'Supreme Expectations'UnknownElslager, Ed(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana', 'Supreme Expectations'
16 'Ice King'Sport'Dream Queen' -Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
17 'Ice Queen'Hybrid'Dream Queen''Ice Age Trail'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Big Daddy', 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Fortunei', 'Great Expectations', 'Ice Age Trail', 'Robust Giant', 'Sieboldiana'
18 'Impressive Reject'Hybrid'Dream Queen'UnknownKwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
19 'J.D.'s Luck'Sport'Great Expectations' -Orlando, John(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Dream Weaver', 'Great American Expectations'
20 'Lady Gloria'Hybrid'Sea Gulf Stream''Dream Queen'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Golden Nugget', 'Great Expectations', 'Sea Gold Star', 'Sieboldiana', 'Wagon Wheels'
21 'Lady Rosemary'Hybrid'Great Expectations''Sagae'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', Hosta fluctuans, 'Great Expectations', 'Sagae', 'Sieboldiana'
22 'Legacy of Corydon'Hybrid'Great Expectations''Sagae'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', Hosta fluctuans, 'Great Expectations', 'Sagae', 'Sieboldiana'
23 'Lord Manywrinkles'Hybrid'Dream Queen''Dream Queen'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
24 'Mike Shadrack'Hybrid'Great Expectations''Rock and Roll'Kuk, Bob(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Rock and Roll', 'Sieboldiana' ++(TYPE) 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Great Arrival'
25 'Mutley's Rest'Sport'Great Expectations' -Orlando, John(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
26 'Ninkasi'Sport'Ice Queen' -Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Dream Queen', 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Ice Age Trail', 'Ice Queen', 'Robusta', 'Sieboldiana'
27 'Paradise Expectations'Sport'Great Expectations' -Fransen, Marco(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Great Arrival'
28 'Particle Accelerator'Hybrid'Great Expectations'UnknownTimm, Phil(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Northern Mist' ++(INFO.SOURCE: Hosta Library)
29 'Paul's Blue Wonder'Hybrid'Great Expectations''Sagae'Kwick, Charles(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', Hosta fluctuans, 'Great Expectations', 'Sagae', 'Sieboldiana'
30 'Richmond Blue'TC Sport'Great Expectations' -Zumbar, Wm & Walek, Kevin & The American Hosta Society(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Great Expectations Blue', 'Helen Doriot'
31 'Southern Lights'Sport'Richmond Blue' -Gilligan, Madelon(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Richmond Blue', 'Sieboldiana'
32 'Supreme Expectations'Sport'Great Expectations' -Elslager, Ed(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
33 'Tidal Pool'Hybrid'Great Expectations'UnknownDye, Kay(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
34 'Unexpected Company'Hybrid'Great Expectations'UnknownHerold, Glenn(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'
35 'Willow'Nat-Sport'Great Arrival'Milbradt, Marc(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Elegans', 'Great Arrival', 'Great Expectations', 'Sieboldiana'


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