In 1932, Eric Savill started the gardens under the auspices of King George V and Queen Mary. The 40 acre plot is located within the estate of Windsor Great Park and was originally known as the Bog Garden.  In 1951, King George VI renamed it in honor of its developer.

The gardens include herbaceous borders, rose gardens, peat beds and a large bog garden. There is a Jubilee Garden and a bridge over the lower pond. A temperate house was opened by the Queen in 1995 and named in honor of  the Queen Mother.

Windsor Great Park


One of the interesting plants we discovered in the garden was The Handkerchief Tree (Davidia involucrata) (above right). It was in full bloom and the soft, white bracts were waving in the breeze.

Note: John Bond, a famous plantsman, was the head gardener at Savill Gardens for a time. He is known for many things but for hostaphiles, he is remembered as the originator of the classic cultivar, Hosta 'Great Expectations'.

Located just outside of London, this is a great garden for your first stop after you land at Heathrow. It is another of those gardens that is wonderful anytime but probably shows best in April, May and June. The pictures here area from late May in 2004.

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