Carmel Duignan, a gardening writer and former television producer, has created a beautiful garden in the mild, maritime climate of southeast County Dublin. A self-confessed plantaholic, she has amassed an extraordinary collection of plants - from old, familiar favorites to plants that are on the cutting edge of tenderness, rarity and current fashion. Old and new have been plated together with flair and artistry and the resulting combinations of color, shape and texture produce pleasing and innovative compositions throughout the garden. Of particular interest are the small-flowered clematis and a good range of Pseudopanax.

An Interesting Garden Down the Street
from Carmel Duignan's Garden

Carmel Duignan is a true plant collector. Her garden features all manner of plants that will grow in her mild, subtropical environment near the sea. She has a large accumulation of plants originating from South Africa and New Zealand. Many of the plants were one's you will rarely see away from their native haunts.

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