Hosta 'Whirligig'


This is one of those cases where there are two hostas with the same name. One is registered and, therefore, the "official" version of H. 'Whirligig' while the other is a non-registered plants and need to be renamed to avoid further confusion.


This semi-upright cultivar was originated by Dr. Charles Purtymun of Walden West in Oregon but registered on their behalf by Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009. It forms a medium size hosta about 16 inches high by 30 inches wide with dark green foliage that has a creamy white to chartreuse medial (center) variegation. The leaves are lightly cupped, ovate and moderately rippled. Lavender flowers bloom in July. The center of the leaf starts the season creamy white but changes to chartreuse and then medium green as the summer progresses.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Whirligig' (Purtymun).


There was also a cultivar from Dr Ralph (Herb) Benedict of Michigan with this name. He later renamed it 'Whirlybird'.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Whirligig' (Benedict).




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